Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weekly Goals

Okay, so it's that time of the week to realize that the weekend is over and it's time to get serious again.

Really, I think long term goals are important and necessary.  But they can't be fulfilled without the accomplishment of smaller, more manageable goals.  I encourage you to think of those things that you want to do in the long run: lose weight, eat healthily, not gain too much pregnancy weight, sleep more, etc. 

I've been trying to get back on the weight loss wagon, but I seem to lose steam by the end of the week.  I'm hoping if I have a forum to report to, I might be more conscientious of how I spend every day and what I do (or don't do).  If I will help me, maybe it can help you too.

What do you want to accomplish this week?  Just think of one goal that will help you feel good/healthy/invigorated.

This week I plan to exercise AT LEAST four times.  That includes running and/or videos.  I don't have a gym membership.  And until they are free and a lot closer to my house, I probably will continue my makeshift exercise programs for a long time.

What do you hope to do this week?


Unknown said...

I want to go to bed earlier. I hate getting up with the girls and getting them ready for school mainly because I'm up so late with the boys. Hopefully once I get enough sleep, I'll have the energy to get active again. I really need to do something about my expanding waistline.

Crisanne said...

Shelly, I had lofty goals of exercising and really eating well this week, and then found out yesterday that my Grandpa is in the ICU and is not expected to live. Now I am planning for a lot of traveling and spending time away from home. I struggle keeping my goals when I am away from home and my own routine. My goal this week is simply to help my children feel of our Heavenly Father's love and help them know we can be an eternal family.

Shelly said...

Crisanne, I'm so sorry about your grandpa. I hope you all find peace and I think you've got a huge, but worthwhile, goal. Teaching our children about our eternal families is so important. I hope you have safe travels!