Monday, January 24, 2011

Menu Plan 1/24/11

I love to menu plan, but I don't stick to it religiously. Sometimes I move Monday's dinner to Wednesday or throw something out and do a cereal night. But at least I have a plan to deviate from rather than no plan at all.

Without further ado, my plan for dinner this week:

Monday: Cheesy Ham and Potato Soup (similar to this recipe) in bread bowls with carrot and celery sticks

Tuesday: Tony's Favorite Casserole (similar to this recipe) with green beans, canned peaches, and a salad

Wednesday: Chicken Nuggets, crinkle fries, salad, carrots, and canned pears

Thursday: French Toast, Vienna sausage (for the kids), and fresh fruit

Friday: Fast Food Friday (probably Subway)

Saturday: Pizza Night

Sunday: Chicken and Broccoli Rolls with salad and fresh fruit

There you have it. Maybe it isn't all the most healthy stuff, but I try and then I have to throw in stuff my kids will actually eat! What's in your plan this week?


Jeri Dawn said...

Love It! Thank You Thank You Thank You! You are the best!

Jeri Dawn said...

And I played too! Go to my blog to see my menu plan for the week. Thanks for the idea Cindy.

Merinda Reeder said...

You're going to make me better despite myself.
I think this is good. OK, I know it's good; just not my forte.
I'm going to do some freezer meal shopping with next paycheck, and I'll see if I can get myself to plan some menus.