Friday, December 23, 2011


Merry Christmas to all!!

I'm popping in here to report on my progress. Back at the end of October, just as Trick-or-Treat buckets were about to be filled, Thanksgiving was around the corner and my Christmas treat  making was being planned, Shelly threw down the gauntlet. Thanks.  I set a goal and I am here to report.

I took a major hiatus from my regular exercising and needed to get back into the habit. So, to accomplish my goal of the couch to 5k program, I used the month of November as my initial training ground. Training myself to get my exercising done on schedule and training myself to enjoy and crave the feeling a good workout gives. I focused on cardio 3 days a week, and pilates or dance twice a week. While the pilates hasn't happened as frequently, I have done the other.

December began the real program. Believe me, I need the nice slow break-in to running. Like I've said before, a 3 mile walk is no problem, but I really hate to run. I just finished week 3, and am feeling good about things. Unfortunately I have also caught a huge head cold, and am breathing like Darth Vadar. Add running to that, and I feel like it is killing me. So, next week I plan to repeat week 3. Let's be totally honest, I'm afraid of the 5 minute jog week 4 requires of me.  And I can't breath.

I'm on my way.  How are your goals coming?

Monday, December 12, 2011

Another week of food

My stomach had a hard weekend so food hasn't really sounded all that good to me.  However, the rest of the family has to eat.  Here's what I have in mind:

MONDAY:  Meatloaf (done in muffin cups) and baked potatoes

TUESDAY:  Chili and corn bread

WEDNESDAY:  Chicken Parmigiana

THURSDAY:  Oatmeal (either baked or in the crock-pot)

FRIDAY:  Take-out (I didn't get my Chinese last week ...)

SATURDAY:  Pizza Night

SUNDAY:  Finger Foods Galore (family Christmas party at mi casa)

What are you eating?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Meal Plan Monday - or Tuesday. Whatever.

Hi.  It is December.  Wow.  I hung up a wreath and put out one of my many nativities today.  That's about as far as I've made it.  But my Christmas shopping is mostly done (I love shopping online!) with just a bit of the little stuff left.   And, my menu is made for the month.  Sure I'll tweak it, just like I'll probably find a couple more presents to buy, but it is made.  One less thing to think about during this fun and crazy busy time of year!

How's your December starting out?

MONDAY:  Baked ziti

TUESDAY:  Jeri Dawn's Taco Soup

WEDNESDAY:  Homemade mac and cheese

THURSDAY:  Scrambled eggs and blueberry breakfast cake

FRIDAY:  Take-out


SUNDAY:  Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole