Monday, January 30, 2012


Hi.  My name is Cindy.  My home is probably not as clean as your house.  My children probably are not as well mannered.  My fingernails not as well groomed.  My faith not as strong.  However, I have a plan for our meals this week.  Do you?

MONDAY:  Oven Fajitas (because had to have a leftover night last week and these got bumped)

TUESDAY:  Fish and Rice (because people say it is good for me)

WEDNESDAY:  Mini-German pancakes

THURSDAY:  Pizza and cupcakes (birthday 1 of 3 at our house this month)

FRIDAY:  Baked Ziti


SUNDAY:  Pulled Buffalo Chicken sandwiches

Gotta celebrate the little successes! 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Monday Morning Resolve

I generally wait to start a new goal on Mondays.  But by the Saturday or Sunday beforehand I often lose sight of what I want to accomplish.

Luckily for me, today (Sunday) was my wake up call.  And I'm hoping to still have the drive and desire tomorrow when I wake up and attempt to get out of bed.

You see, I hate cute pregnant women.  You know the ones I mean.  You can't tell they're pregnant from behind and when they do turn around, all they have is this basketball where their flat belly once was.  They are so cute.  And I hate them.

Give me a beached-whale pregnant woman any day.  She is one I can identify with.

Not only can I identify with her, I am her.

This morning I discovered a hole in the crotch of my pants.  And it's HUGE.  And it's the pair of pants I just bought a few weeks ago to replace the pair of pants I originally ripped in the crotch.  TMI?  Probably.

I do not look like I have a cute basketball in my tummy.  I look like I recently ate a Dunkin Donuts out of business.

And so I hope to get some exercise in my day.  And maybe cut out a few extra meals a day.

But I truly hope to get a little healthier over the next 108 days.

And how have you been?


I'm ahead of schedule!  It is only Sunday night, but I'm putting up my menus.  I know.  Call me crazy!

This week's menu comes to us courtesy of Pinterest (if you aren't on there and you crave ideas galore, you've got to get on it).  None of these aren't things I already would eat, just new variations of them.  That being the case, I can't say whether they will taste good or not!  Follow at your own risk!

MONDAY:  Quinoa Mac and Cheese

TUESDAY:  Oven Fajitas

WEDNESDAY:  Broccoli and Potato Soup

THURSDAY:  Pancakes with vanilla pudding sauce and strawberries

FRIDAY:  Sweet and Sour Meatballs (my own concoction, believe it or not!)

SATURDAY:  Pizza night

SUNDAY:  Chicken Parmigiana Casserole (this recipe or this one)

What's your poison?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Ragnar Anyone?

I'm not sure I'm completely committed to this crazy idea; but I think I want to run a Ragnar.

From the Ragnar website:
Ragnar is the overnight running relay race that makes testing your limits a team sport. A team is made up of 6-12 individuals; each individual runs 3 legs. The legs of the race vary in difficulty and distance, from 3-8 miles, allowing elite and novice runners to run together. Over 2 days and 1 night, teams run across 200 miles of the country’s most scenic terrain. Pair that with crazy costumes, inside jokes, a great finish line party and unforgettable stories. Some call it a slumber party without sleep, pillows or deodorant. We call it Ragnar.
I have friends that have run these in Utah and from Cumberland, MD to Washington D.C. My goal would not be to win... but to finish. The June 15-16 race that runs from Logan to Park City is currently full - not accepting new teams. I could work with an existing team, though? Alternately there's Colorado in July or Vegas in November.

Anybody think this is CRAZY? Anybody willing to join me in some insanity?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dinners this week

Today is my Monday.  Yesterday was an-accomplish-nothing day.  If I don't get these kids healthy for more than a day in a row, I'm going to go bonkers!  This time it is ear infections in two of the boys.  So, I took part of yesterday as an emotional sick day.  I chilled.  I colored with my 2 year old.  I did the bare minimum necessary to maintain the house.

So today is my Manic Monday.  And these are our dinners this week ...

MONDAY:  Waffles and fruit and ice cream

TUESDAY:  Meatloaf and baked potatoes

WEDNESDAY:  Baked Spaghetti

THURSDAY:  Baked Oatmeal

FRIDAY:  Broccoli Soup of some sort (TBD)

SATURDAY:  Homemade pizza

SUNDAY:  Soup and grilled cheese sandwiches

How's your week looking?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Menu Monday

Does food ever just not sound good to you?  I'm having one of those days.  As I look at my menu for the week, nothing sounds appetizing for dinner.  Bummer.

MONDAY:  Chili and corn bread

TUESDAY:  Sausage and pepper penne pasta

WEDNESDAY:  Chicken stir fry and rice

THURSDAY:  Pancakes and Vienna Sausages (still don't understand why my kids love those)

FRIDAY: Frozen Pizza (mom and dad are going out!)

SATURDAY:  Taco Haystacks

SUNDAY:  Dinner at my mom's

What are you eating this week?

Monday, January 2, 2012

Meal Plan Monday

Hi, all.  I think I'm back.  We had a rough December with sick people around our house so my meal plans were often altered with sick friendly food.  The last couple of weeks, I've hardly bothered at all because I knew it wasn't going to happen!   After an extremely rough New Year's Day, I finally found time today to sit down and plan out my January. 

I did find time to defrost my deep freezer sometime in there, so I know what I've got and my menu is an attempt to use up the things that were lurking in the bottom!

Here's this week's plan:

MONDAY:  Scrambled eggs with ham and cheese, toast, and blueberry banana smoothies (sick tummies are still plaguing us)

TUESDAY:  Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole, green salad

WEDNESDAY:  Meatloaf and baked potatoes (or roasted potato wedges), green beans

THURSDAY:  Pasta and veggies, cottage cheese and canned fruit

FRIDAY:  Take-out of some sort

SATURDAY:  Homemade pizza

SUNDAY:  Orange Chicken from the freezer

What's your plan?