Sunday, January 22, 2012


I'm ahead of schedule!  It is only Sunday night, but I'm putting up my menus.  I know.  Call me crazy!

This week's menu comes to us courtesy of Pinterest (if you aren't on there and you crave ideas galore, you've got to get on it).  None of these aren't things I already would eat, just new variations of them.  That being the case, I can't say whether they will taste good or not!  Follow at your own risk!

MONDAY:  Quinoa Mac and Cheese

TUESDAY:  Oven Fajitas

WEDNESDAY:  Broccoli and Potato Soup

THURSDAY:  Pancakes with vanilla pudding sauce and strawberries

FRIDAY:  Sweet and Sour Meatballs (my own concoction, believe it or not!)

SATURDAY:  Pizza night

SUNDAY:  Chicken Parmigiana Casserole (this recipe or this one)

What's your poison?

1 comment:

Jeri Dawn said...

I LOVE it when you give new recipes! You rock Woman!