Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Bloggest Loser Day 7 and Weekly Check In

Here it is. Another week has passed and it's time to pull out the Honesty. How did this week go? Did you accomplish your goals?

It's also time for our first official weigh in. Go HERE for the Weight Loss Percentage Calculator. And prepare to share.

This week I accomplished my goal of registering for the Bone Marrow Drive. It's a huge commitment. You are put in the registry until the age of 61. Amazing, isn't it? But I think they said only 1 out of 20,000 people match. I did the easy part with the cheek swab. Now it's up to the database to do the rest.

I also worked out pretty hard this week. I did my running (including the extra run last night), I did my work out video 6 days, I kept my food journal and (mostly) kept on it. Still, I only lost .25% of my weight this week. Yup. That's half a pound. I've also been taking my measurements. Somehow I still lost half an inch in my bust, a full inch in my waist, and gained a half an inch in my hips. My body is shifting and changing, but that scale didn't move. I admit, I got really upset about it. Then I went and found THIS ARTICLE. I encourage you to take a look at it. It talks a lot about weight being deceiving and an unreliable resource for measuring weight loss.

The article encourages you to find out your body fat percentage. You can use an online tool HERE. ****Warning**** This tool places you in categories of Essential Fat, Athlete, Fit, Normal, and Obese. I'm no longer obese according to my weight, but I am according to my body fat. So be aware. It really sucks to see yourself in the Obese category!! But even with my gain in my hips, I lost .5% of my body fat last week. That's awesome.

After reading about all of this, I think we'll keep the traditional weight loss percentage winner, but instead of having a winner for the most inches lost, we'll have a winner for the most body fat lost. Or do you want to do both inches and body fat lost? That would be a potential of three winners. Chime in and tell me your opinion.

So here it is. Leave your percentage of weight lost. And your body fat lost, if so desired. Was this week easy? Harder than you thought? Are you hopeful? Or just plain discouraged. Btw, if you're discouraged, hang in there with us. This will all be worth it in 83 more days!!

And for anyone not Bloggest Loser-ing with us (and those that are), what goals do you have this week? Mine include all I've been doing plus drinking more water than Crystal Light.


Carina said...

I am not sure I want to read I am still Obese when I have already accomplished so much. There is reality, but there is also info that can make you feel defeated when you are succeeding. I will stick to the weight loss even when the #s aren't hot. But Shelly, you are right, there are several things you should look at when trying to get healthier. Your body could be retaining fluid as your muscles are building from exercising. It will start to come off, just keep it up. You are inspiring!

I had a 1.03% weight loss this week. I am excited to be 1.6 lbs from my goal for the Summer Solstice. So that is my goal for the week. To Knock it out of the park.

Crisanne said...

I honestly didn't try very hard this past week. I did exercise 4 days, and sort of watched what I ate. I've been at a plateau for months, and really need to do something drastic to move it. My goal this week is to increase my time exercising each day, and to be super strict on my caloric intake. If I can be dedicated this week, I know that it will give me the kick in the pants I need! I'll even go out there and post my current weight...122. Now, you all need to remember that I'm incredibly short, and unfortunately, this weight is too high.

Jeri Dawn said...

Oh man...I slacked last week big time. I quit nursing and my body is rebelling or freaking or something. Must be harder this time around than the last times. BUT I will hop back on the band-wagon this week. My problem is that Jason runs in the mornings and so I get nights. That is unless something else is happening (also a big part of the problem last week). Jason has his marathon Saturday so I need to get my runs in early. I can do it. AND thanks for the food reminders...I like to eat what I want, when I want. :( Shelly, Crystal light? Those diet drinks are rumored to help you retain fat! Water is your friend.

Mrs. Bennett said...

I lost 1.39 %. I ran 3 days instead of 4 and I drank a lot of water but really only on the days I am at work (its easier at work when you are sitting at a computer with a water bottle always within reach). I'm bummed I didn't run 4 days. But I will this week!

Shelly said...

Okay, Jeri Dawn, you've solidified what keeps nagging at me. Little to no diet drinks. Water, water, water!

Unknown said...

So, don't hate me cause I don't know what happened. I couldn't run or really do much of anything because of my foot. I DID drink water, or at least more than I normally do, I felt like I gained around my mid section, and yet, managed to pull off a 2.3% (3.5 pounds) loss. (Maybe it's the steroids...I really didn't have much of an appetite). I'm hoping I don't gain it all back plus some next week...that's my goal! Glad you were able to lose too!

colds1 said...

Down a pound, .54% loss. Stupid numbers. I'm nursing and I know I shouldn't lose more than a pound or two a week, but to say "I lost half a percent this week" sounds very loser-ish. Anyway ...

Body fat is funny. I also think BMI is funny too. I don't give them much credence, but I'll play your silly game! :) I am in the "obese" category right now on your body fat predictor thingie. Rolls off my back ... by the numbers listed there, I was obese in 8th grade when we had our body fat tested with the pincher thing. I don't know how much weight I'll have to lose to get that number to move! But I look forward to watching it go down!