Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Reset

Have you ever had your computer freezer or wig out on you and the only real fix is to reboot it?

Have you ever had all the lights on your dash flicker at you but when you restarted the engine, the car runs fine?

Have you ever turned a flashlight off and given it a good shake and when you switch it back on, it works?

A reset.  All those instances are just versions of resetting something.  You return to the beginning and try again with the basics.

I was motivated by this article at Simple Marriage.  The author is talking about a reset in our parenting, but for me it resonated much more with my weight loss journey and especially my family's eating.

I need a reset.

I didn't do a Meal Plan Monday this week.  I'm kind of winging it because of the mass amounts of fresh produce our neighbors and friends have given us.  But the real reason is that I WANT to reset the way I do them.  I WANT to do our meals a bit differently.  My desire has not yet motivated me to action, though. 

I will get it in gear and get myself organized and return to plotting out our meals.  Hopefully sooner than later. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Losing the Gluten

I have extreme eczema on my hands.  It gets so bad that I can't straighten the fingers on my right hand without splitting the palm-side of my knuckles and creating open sores that keep me from doing just about everything a mother with four children should be doing.

What does this have to do with anything? 


Food allergies, to be exact.

I'm openly admitting that I am going against online advice of not having myself tested for food allergies before cutting foods out of my diet.  I have my reasons and they mostly have to do with money and my fear of needles.  But I'm also an adventurer, and I'm willing to experiment.

I found out that gluten intolerance, which a doctor suggested might be my problem a few years ago but I didn't want to listen, has several symptoms that I'd like to eradicate from my life.  Those include: digestive problems, headaches, fatigue, depression, acne, eczema, and (the one that scared me to death) miscarriage.

Having endured two miscarriages in the last year, I'm willing to be a little excessive in my menu planning.

So my food plans have been altered the last couple of weeks.  I'm testing out a gluten intolerance.  Yeah, no bread or cookies.  Hello?  Those are pretty much my favorite foods! 

So I have to get a little creative with my menus. 

Less bread, more fruits and vegetables.

Here is a sample of a gluten free dinner we had last week:

Summer Vegetable Quesadillas

Place one corn tortilla on your frying pan (no oil necessary).  Sprinkle some shredded cheddar cheese.  Add some chopped summer veggies (I used squash, zucchini, onion, some sort of pepper from my sister's garden, and tomato).  Add another light layer of cheese and then a second corn tortilla.  Carefully flip (good luck with that) and then serve.  Top with fat free sour cream and/or salsa.

It was really good.  As long as you're sparing with the cheese, it's really not a bad caloric dinner or lunch. 

Going without gluten hasn't been too hard..... yet.  But I do have to be aware to keep gluten free snacks on hand.  Otherwise those cookies for the kids' lunches begin to call my name and I have to be very rude and ignore them. 

I don't like being rude.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Workout Buddy

I know I know... this blog is a great source of strength, inspiration, and support. But a warm human sweating nearby can, at times, provide a little extra something.

I love having a workout buddy. This has been going on a little more than a month. We push each other to do better. We are accountable to show up at the gym. We keep each other honest. We compete - just a little bit. We build each other up. We jabber about whatever to help the minutes and miles pass.

For instance... I have been keeping that eliptical machine above 6.0 on my speed. She pushes me to level up and to stay on the machine for 60 minutes. She also goes backwards, which is harder, and which I have to do, too. I can't be wimpy. So now she has to keep it above a 6.0, too. I never said she had to; but she seems to think that she has to keep up with me.

See? We help each other out. I mean, she's got me on a treadmill, of all things.

I'm doing worlds better since we started working out together.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

School starts tomorrow.  I have mixed emotions.  But, as much as I like the flexibility of Summer, I think I'm ready for the routine of school.

And with that routine comes a time to plan not only dinners, but brain stimulating breakfasts and sack lunches.  I guess I should get on that ... for now, I have my dinners planned and I consider that good enough.

MONDAY:  baked ziti, green beans, green salad, watermelon

TUESDAY:  chicken and rice casserole (I still haven't eaten it from my freezer - I'm sure it is still good)

WEDNESDAY:  dinner provided at church swim party

THURSDAY:  baked oatmeal with fruit (peaches probably)

FRIDAY:  tacos

SATURDAY:  homemade pizza

What are you eating?

Linked up to OrgJunkie.com

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Warning! New info on Shampoos...

I just discovered this important info below. It was e-mailed to me by one of my dearest friends, and I had to share. 

I don't know WHY I didn't figure this out sooner!!!!!

It's the shampoo I use in the shower!

When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body, and (duh!)

Printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning,


No WONDER I have been gaining weight!!! Well!

I have gotten rid of that shampoo and I am going to start using Dawn dish soap instead.


Problem solved!

If I don't answer the phone . . . I'll be in the shower!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Meal Plan Monday - Last Week of Summer

School starts next week for us.  I love it.  Fall is my favorite season.  I love back to school supplies.  The start of a new school year means we are almost to my favorite time of year ... and my favorite foods.

However, we still have a few weeks before I can pull out the stews and hot soups.  So here is another menu pulled from a previous week this summer ...

MONDAY:  Take-Out (it is my anniversary and I don't have to cook)

TUESDAY:  Pesto pasta and veggies

WEDNESDAY:  Mac and Cheese

THURSDAY:  Breakfast Tacos

FRIDAY:  Hamburgers on the grill

SATURDAY: Zucchini pizzas

SUNDAY:  Crock pot ham and potatoes

Linked up for fun ... Org Junkie

Monday, August 8, 2011

Summer Workouts

Today my children went back to school.  Our summer break is officially over -- bummer.  And the hot temperatures will stick around for a while longer -- bummer again.

To end our summer we went to the local water park. 

I really wish I had a chance to wear my Bodybugg around on that day.  I'd love to know how many calories I burned walking around the park, up the stairs, swimming in the water, and standing in line.  I have a feeling it was a good calorie-burn day.  I was busy the whole day and active, even when waiting in the relatively short lines.

I was able to use my Bugg when we went camping.  On those days I burned a few hundred more calories per day without any established workout than I do on some of the days I do go to the gym.

I find it funny how the fun summer activities are also good "workout" activities. 

What have been (are) some of your fun summer "workouts"?

Meal Plan Monday, again

I hope you all didn't miss me too much last week - I was gone for several days on a anniversary trip with my husband.  It was delightful.  Everyone should do them.

I didn't have a meal plan for me since I planned to eat out every meal while I was gone ... but I had one for the kids.  It consisted of very child-friendly meals and I took no thought as to the healthiness of it.  I wanted ease for my mom who was being so generous in watching the kids.  They had hot dogs and mac and cheese and scrambled eggs and bologna sandwiches and pizza ... the typical American kid diet.  It makes me shudder.

As I was preparing to do my grocery shopping yesterday, I realized that I didn't have a menu planned for August.  I'd been too distracted by my trip to worry about it.  I only had a small window of time and was frustrated that I didn't know what we were going to eat this next week so I could know what I would need to buy!

Then the beauty of a written down meal plan came back to me ... I can recycle!  I keep my menus on my computer and with a copy here and a paste there ... TA DA ... August was done!

So, nothing here will be new.  No new recipes ... it is all stuff I have shared before (I'm pretty much copy catting June).  A little bit of time then saved me a ton of time now!  Thank you, Meal Plans!

MONDAY:  Pulled pork sandwiches (buns and meat from the freezer), zucchini, and peaches

TUESDAY:  Taco haystacks (taco salad)

WEDNESDAY:  Fish sticks and fries, green salad

THURSDAY:  French toast and fruit smoothies

FRIDAY:  Subway sandwiches

SATURDAY:  Homemade pizza

SUNDAY:  Dinner at my mom's

Linked to a meal plan party at  ... OrgJunkie.