Monday, August 22, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

School starts tomorrow.  I have mixed emotions.  But, as much as I like the flexibility of Summer, I think I'm ready for the routine of school.

And with that routine comes a time to plan not only dinners, but brain stimulating breakfasts and sack lunches.  I guess I should get on that ... for now, I have my dinners planned and I consider that good enough.

MONDAY:  baked ziti, green beans, green salad, watermelon

TUESDAY:  chicken and rice casserole (I still haven't eaten it from my freezer - I'm sure it is still good)

WEDNESDAY:  dinner provided at church swim party

THURSDAY:  baked oatmeal with fruit (peaches probably)

FRIDAY:  tacos

SATURDAY:  homemade pizza

What are you eating?

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1 comment:

Crisanne said...

Well, today is Wednesday and I'm behind already, but I'm going to get back into the routine, so here goes:

Monday: Paprika Chicken
Tuesday: Nachos and homemade salsa I spent all afternoon canning.
Wednesday: Enchiladas for the family, I get to BBQ at the lake for our combined youth activity.
Thursday: French Dip sandwiches
Friday: Grilled Pizzas
Saturday: leftovers
Sunday: Chicken Fried Steak