Monday, August 8, 2011

Summer Workouts

Today my children went back to school.  Our summer break is officially over -- bummer.  And the hot temperatures will stick around for a while longer -- bummer again.

To end our summer we went to the local water park. 

I really wish I had a chance to wear my Bodybugg around on that day.  I'd love to know how many calories I burned walking around the park, up the stairs, swimming in the water, and standing in line.  I have a feeling it was a good calorie-burn day.  I was busy the whole day and active, even when waiting in the relatively short lines.

I was able to use my Bugg when we went camping.  On those days I burned a few hundred more calories per day without any established workout than I do on some of the days I do go to the gym.

I find it funny how the fun summer activities are also good "workout" activities. 

What have been (are) some of your fun summer "workouts"?


Merinda Reeder said...

Youth Conference - especially the dance.
six flags season passes, pushing a double stroller. Both water park and rides have lots of walk in them.

Haven't yet been camping... we'll do that in September when it cools off a bit.

colds1 said...

This summer was fun ... kayaking, hiking, long walks, swings, horseback riding, pool time, yard work, and golfing.

We never did get the bikes in working order. I miss biking.