Friday, December 23, 2011


Merry Christmas to all!!

I'm popping in here to report on my progress. Back at the end of October, just as Trick-or-Treat buckets were about to be filled, Thanksgiving was around the corner and my Christmas treat  making was being planned, Shelly threw down the gauntlet. Thanks.  I set a goal and I am here to report.

I took a major hiatus from my regular exercising and needed to get back into the habit. So, to accomplish my goal of the couch to 5k program, I used the month of November as my initial training ground. Training myself to get my exercising done on schedule and training myself to enjoy and crave the feeling a good workout gives. I focused on cardio 3 days a week, and pilates or dance twice a week. While the pilates hasn't happened as frequently, I have done the other.

December began the real program. Believe me, I need the nice slow break-in to running. Like I've said before, a 3 mile walk is no problem, but I really hate to run. I just finished week 3, and am feeling good about things. Unfortunately I have also caught a huge head cold, and am breathing like Darth Vadar. Add running to that, and I feel like it is killing me. So, next week I plan to repeat week 3. Let's be totally honest, I'm afraid of the 5 minute jog week 4 requires of me.  And I can't breath.

I'm on my way.  How are your goals coming?

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