Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Last Night on The Biggest Loser

Last night was the second week of this season's Biggest Loser.


So last night the Unknowns, as the group with the unknown trainers is being called, came across as the Goliaths and Bob and Jillian's team as David.

It's only Week 2 and I'm getting tired of the tension of the competition already.  Don't get me wrong.  I'll still loyally watch the entire show, especially because we have yet to learn much about half of the players.  And maybe that's the problem.  In an effort to keep the identity of the trainers quiet, there's not much of a bond we get with their team.  I don't know that the donuts were actually from the Unknowns' team.  I think that was a gimmick.  But mean, nonetheless.

What about the idea that Bob and Jillian's team is the Underdog?  True, in the past it seems that teams with more women are generally the team that struggles more.  But there's no reason why both teams can't completely succeed and prevail.  Both teams have members with LOTS of weight to lose, so there's no real difference in that category.  I think the challenge proved that the Ranch team just had no leader where the Unknowns team seemed to have Rulon step up and lead the way to an obvious victory. 

I'm just annoyed with the whole team vs team thing.  Maybe it's just my mood the last few days, but it didn't do anything for me.

I did, however, find Dr H's evaluations interesting.  He kind of adds that scare tactic element to his presentations, but honestly, I think sometimes reality is hard to take if you don't have it smack you in the face.

The best part of the night, in my opinion, was the weigh in.  I'm so happy for Courtney to finally be under 300 lbs.  What an accomplishment that she's been working on for a long, long time.  And who couldn't enjoy Arthur's victory dance on the scale? 

Let's hope for another successful weigh in next week and a BETTER insight to the Unknowns.  The show is risking a major let down if they don't present these new trainers just right.  It's already been shared that Jillian is leaving the show but Bob is staying.  It will be interesting to discover if both Unknowns stay for Season 12 or if they have to duke it out for Jillian's spot.

1 comment:

colds1 said...

I personally think it was mean to make Week 2 a competition. But that's my nice side shining through.

I did realize as I watched it that I could never do a show like that - where MY weight loss would determine the outcome for someone else. It is why I don't like playing competitive team sports. I want my performance to affect my outcome, not someone else's. I don't want to let the team down. Combining that phobia with a weight loss journey? Yikes! That might be a post topic all of its own! :)