Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Anybody feel stress?

I don't generally. At least I like to think I don't. But when I get sick kids, I can't help it. There is NOTHING I can do to make them better. I can try to ease their symptoms and speed their recovery, but I can't MAKE them better. I hate that. That's when I feel stress.

I have sick kids. One just finished a 5 day bout with 102* fever. Another is starting a nasty bout with his Restrictive Airway Disorder. A third is cutting his 4 top teeth all at once. I've had a bit of stress this last week.

That stress showed on the scale. I had a 0 pound loss. I have to think of it as a 0 pound gain, though. I ate a lot of Hershey's Nuggets and even a donut the last few days, so to maintain my weight really isn't bad.

I read an article that gave 7 ways to reduce stress this morning. It has a step to try each day for a week. None of these steps will actually take the stress out of our lives, but it can help us manage it better.

  1. Breathe. Yes! It's that simple. Breathe deeply, but don't hyperventilate. Inhale as though you were sniffing a delightful scent. Then stre-e-e-tch your arms high over your head as you slowly and completely exhale.

  2. Set boundaries. Just like the stressed-out mom who sat in the playpen to keep away from the children, you can erect some barriers. Decide what you will do — and when. Better still, decide what you won't do and dare to say "no." Try to avoid anything, and anyone, who wastes your time.

  3. Clarify your goals. Decide exactly what needs to be done, and plan a smart way of accomplishing each task. Oh, and give yourself a pat on the back every time you achieve even one of your goals, no matter how small.

  4. Put yourself first. That's right! If you aren't functioning at your peak, your work and your relationships will suffer. Find time for yourself, and try to do at least one relaxing thing each day: Take a bubble bath, or read a chapter of a favorite book.

  5. Give yourself a break. It's okay to goof off, cancel a lunch date, or miss a deadline now and then. In six months or 10 years, who will remember?

  6. Get spiritual. Get in touch with your spiritual values, and align your plans and activities with them. For instance, read an inspiring book, then figure out how to incorporate what you learned into your day-to-day life.

  7. Take five. Right now, stop what you are doing to cherish the moment. Savor whatever you're drinking or eating. Or go outside and smell the air, the flowers and the trees. Feel the wind, sunshine or rain on your face. Listen for tiny sounds. Take a moment every day to marvel at the wonders all around you.
Today, I'm going to breathe. How about you?



Merinda Reeder said...

I'm with you. Sick kids going on 2 weeks. We largely skipped my birthday because we all felt like crud. We should buy stock in Kleenex.
Today I put myself first: I took a nap. The headache lingers, but I feel better about having one.

Shelly said...

Stress and I have lived intimately with each other for the last several years. Yeah, I totally let it get to me, but I also function well when I have a lot I'm trying to accomplish. What can I say? I'm a walking contradiction.

Sick babies are not fun. And I really hope everyone is on the mend soon!

Jeri Dawn said...

Aaaahhh. If I was closer I would come babysit your sick kids so you could take a nap! Sick kids for weeks on end is the worst! I think I'll take 5. That sounds good.