Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Last Night on the Biggest Loser

My cable is shutting off today.  So I was excited to watch last night's episode on live TV.... for the last time.  We chose to turn the cable off because by and large we don't really watch anything worth paying so much money for.  However, my prime time favorites will be dutifully watched online.

Like Biggest Loser.  See last night's 1 hour episode Here or below.


So we had a half episode because of the State of the Union address.  So we didn't get to see the weigh in, but there was still lots of other things to see.

First off, Don is struggling.  Last week he and his brother each gained 9 lbs at the weigh in and his twin went home.  Now they are separated for the first time in their lives.  It's got to be hard for him, but he just doesn't seem to be getting to that point of the change of heart.  His cuss-fest didn't even seem that impassioned.  At the end of the show they showed a clip from next week.  Bob is telling someone that he hopes they get what they need at home because they aren't getting it at the Ranch.  I have a feeling he's talking to Don. 

Also in that clip they show that someone gains 6 lbs.  Is it Don sabotaging the weigh in again or someone else?

I'm scared it might be someone else.  The decision to send the Green Team to the Unknowns let us see that much more of what their experience has been like.  I think nearly everyone I know struggles with eating well and eating right.  The Unknowns have had their meals prepared for them every single day.  No worries about calories, balancing carbs and protein, or tasting their food while they prepare it and not adding that to their daily calorie journal (I read somewhere that a single taste while cooking can be as much as 25 additional calories--not sure if it's true, but it's got to add some calories).  They've had everything done for them (including making their beds) so all they've had to worry about was working out.  What's going to happen when they get just a little bit of reality thrown at them?  I'm worried.  I don't want to see any of them go.  They are by far my favorite team.

I loved how they welcomed the Green Team and encouraged them.  I thought the challenge was crappy, though.  Even with the weight difference for the numbers they had to hoist 70 ft into the air, the Green Team still had a huge burden of playing on behalf of other people.  It just seemed so lopsided.  But I'm probably biased since there are certain colors on the Ranch Team that are bugging me.  I wanted the Green Team to win.

Two things kind of struck me with this week. 

First, I admire Courtney approaching her mother to clear the air about being a disappointing daughter.  Anyone else have things they'd love to talk to their parents about but will never gather the courage to do it?  I hope they can truly stay close knit and continue to love and support each other. 

Second, that temptation had to have been difficult.  What would be the star in your food temptation?  I don't know exactly.  Red Vines, probably.  Ice cream with toppings, most likely.  Peanut M&Ms, yeah.  But I'm such an emotional (hormonal?) eater that it varies.  They'd have to also stock donuts, brownies, Chinese food, Italian food, nachos, and soda pop.  They aren't always my vices, but there's a good chance I'm more susceptible to one of them at any given point in time.

How about you?  What's your temptation?  Do you blame Arthur for giving in at the Temptation?


Jeri Dawn said...

Sugar. I want sugar. Gummy sugar is best. Even better if it's covered in chocolate... Heaven help me.

colds1 said...

Oh, there would have been big bowls of M&Ms sitting there staring at me. Plain and peanut beauties. And I don't know that I wouldn't have eaten just one ...

But, ew, mac and cheese? Really? Boxed mac and cheese? I make it for the kids, but I rarely eat it myself. Yuck.

The challenge looked harder for the green team. I didn't like it, but I don't like playing for someone else like they had to either.

I think having their meals made for them is a disadvantage, but also a good thing. It gives them a basis for what a good, balanced day of food looks and tastes like. But now they have to learn to do it for themselves. Making the beds - shoot, I still at least straighten my bed at hotels, so that is just a luxury, not a hindrance in my mind.

I don't like the editing ever for the scenes from next time. We'll just have to wait and see ...

Merinda Reeder said...

I can't believe that nobody on the ranch WANTED to go see other trainers' techniques - not to mention getting a view of how the other 10 contestants work and think.
My strategy- immediately when I saw the temptation- was to eat 2 noodles of Mac'n'cheese for a total of under 20 calories. This would give me a shot, if nobody else caved, to send myself to the unknowns for a week.
My temptation, though there are a lot of options, would be ice cream. If not frozen, I'll take the cheesecake.
Do I blame Arthur? First, he didn't grab pizza; and that's strenth. Second, his intent was to control his own destiny. Dumb to send somebody else and not go himself; but I get it. 2 macaroni noodles would have been better than a fried chicken leg, though.