Sunday, January 16, 2011

Weekly Goals

Looking back on your week, how did your goal setting/achieving go? 

I had decided to exericise at least 4 times during the week, and I did.  Yet I don't feel especially good about myself.

So I have to wonder, did I set the right goal?  If I had only one goal to accomplish for an enire week, what would it be?  It would have to be something that truly gives me a sense of joy as I fulfill it.  And another sense of joy when I finish fulfilling it.  It would have to be something specific, because generalities are impossible to complete.

So again I wonder, did I set the right goal?

Nope.  Don't think I did.  I didn't need exercise to feel good about myself this week.  I needed something else.  Something a lot more important.

This week I want to focus on the beginning of my day.  It seems that most days I press snooze for as long as I think I can get away with and then I run in a scramble to get kids dressed and fed, lunches thrown together, and kids out the door to the bus.  It's hectic.  It's messy.  It often includes tempers and whining. 

How am I supposed to want to do anything good with my life if that's how I start my day?  And my children's day as well?

So to truly find some happiness, my goal this week is to wake up half an hour before I "have to".  I want to take time in the quiet to read my scriptures and actually kneel to say my morning prayers instead of murmuring something as I'm running around because I know it's the only chance I'll have to pray in the morning.  If I can feel good about my spiritual efforts, hopefully I will feel better in many of my other efforts as well. 

Well.  That was longer than I intended.

What are your goals for the week?


Merinda Reeder said...

Hmmmm.. Gets me thinking. What goal do I need? I need to listen to my kids the first time. I need to stop what I'm doing when they come looking for a hug or a drink or whatever, rather than saying, "in a minute. right now I'm doing dishes." or "let me finish this email."
I need to put them on top of my priority list today.
So this week I'm going to listen to my kids the first time.

Jeri Dawn said...

My goal this week is to survive. Really. I have changed up my exercise program due to back pain. Here is the plan...Monday 7:00 am Body Sculpting. Tuesday run 3 miles. Wednesday 6:00 am Step TONIC. Thursday run 3 miles. Friday either run 3 miles or hit another aerobic class (my kids vote for the 4:15 one because then I take them swimming after). I have been running 3 miles a the mix up should be good for me, but it's gonna hurt a lot. And being in pain kind of makes me ornery. So my goal is to survive and not get too ornery.

Oh, and Shelly, I hear ya! My husband and I finally worked out an exercise schedule. It involves us getting up before the kids do. I am NOT a morning person. But once I'm up and it's done, I feel great and I'm ready to tackle getting kids ready with a better attitude. I have found that getting them up 10 minutes earlier cuts down on a lot of the fighting and whining too.

Also, as for is something I learned this past year. Doing it every day means you just get up and get it done. 3 days or 4 days means you think about it all day all week wondering what days you will and what days you won't. I exercised 3 days a week for years and years. Now I love exercising 5 days a week. I love that it's just something that happens and I love that I get the weekends off. And it has surprised me how much difference those 2 extra days have made.

As for eating..I suck. I think you all probably have me beat. I need recipes. I need ideas. I need motivation. I feel like we live on rice and cheese dishes and a potato now and then. Any ideas?