Sunday, January 16, 2011

Manage Negative Thoughts

I took a Healthy Habits quiz with Weight Watchers this morning. Apparently, my biggest flaw in the healthy habits realm is managing my negative thoughts. Bummer.

I believe in "mind over matter" and the "power of positive thinking" so this was a bit of a let down. But not entirely unexpected.

The post-quiz article said:

Negative thoughts creep into most people's minds. But for some of us, they kind of take over—and we don't even realize it's happening. Negative thoughts come in the form of all-or-nothing thinking, ("I'm never eating chocolate again!"), absolute thinking ("I should" or "I ought"), and self-fulfilling prophecies ("I can't").

We believe what we tell ourselves. And what we tell ourselves shows up in what we do. That's why these kinds of negative thoughts are dangerous: if you expect to fail, you probably will; if you set unrealistic expectations, you probably won't meet them, you'll be disappointed...and then your mind will flood with more negative thoughts.

Does this happen to you? The slowness of my weight loss in comparison to others is hard for me. I start getting down on myself and questioning why I'm not losing faster. I don't focus on the good. I forget where I was compared to where I am today. I probably shouldn't have gotten rid of all my fat pants! Trying on a pair now and then would be a good reminder. I need to tell myself how great I am, how far I've come, and how I'm going to kick butt getting the rest of the way!

My friend whose tummy it is good luck to rub (aka Buddha) said, "With our thoughts we make the world." I may be slow, but I'm gonna make my world a thin and healthy one!


1 comment:

Shelly said...

I'm glad you clarified that it was Buddha that said that. My negative thoughts were getting the better of me and I was going to be angry at you for talking about my tummy that way.

Negative thoughts.... Yeah. Always there.

And I too think I should've kept my fat pants. I'd love to see how huge they'd be on my now.