Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Last Night on the Biggest Loser

Okay, so it's now Week 3 on this season of The Biggest Loser.  You can go to or see the episode below.


Can I just tell you how glad I am to finally have the Unknowns revealed?  We now have permission to learn about the team members.  I think these new trainers both seem interesting and truly want to help the contestants on the show.  I'm looking forward to what they can continue to do with their team.

So now that we know the trainers we got a little more of who the team is.  I still like them.  Despite the eggs over the barrier stunt at the challenge.  And, holy Moses!  That man is a machine!  I haven't seen every season, but it seems that the older men don't generally lose so much weight so fast.  And I'm still cheering for Rulon. 

Another big part of the episode focused on the lunch with Curtis Stone.  Does anyone understand the fascination?  Maybe if I was single.  Or liked blonds.  Or Englishmen.  But his recipe looked good.  You can actually find the Poached Pears here.  Look to the left of that link for some of Curtis's other recipes. 

Overall I thought the episode was much more enjoyable than last week..... until the weigh in.  The twins claim they each gained 9 lbs this week as a fluke.  Really?  Really???  How do you feel about that?  Can a person actually gain 9 lbs in a week while honestly trying to lose weight on the Biggest Loser Ranch?  And if you think that's funk-tified, can TWO people?  It's fishy.  And sad.

What did you think?


Merinda Reeder said...

Let's just say Don and Dan made me feel a little better about my own gain. In two weeks I've gained 5 pounds. No treadmills, no hikes, no watching my calories. Nope, just sitting around playing pregnant mom with the occasional nap and chocolate thrown in.
I'll feel a bit gyped if the other one doesn't go home next week. They shouldn't be there.

Merinda Reeder said...

And I actually laughed at the eggs. I like the teamwork in that group... how they rough-talk Q in total support. I like how they work together to help one another.

colds1 said...

I don't think there was any doubt that Dan did something. Don would have had to as well. I think they were genuinely shocked at gaining 9 pounds, especially both gaining 9 pounds. I don't fault Dan. How was he to know the emotional strain being on the Ranch would be until he was there? I can only imagine how much more attached he is to his little girl after his son's death. Bob saying that others deserved to be there instead of the twins ruffles my feathers. No one knows how they'll really do at the Ranch. I think 3 weeks is a long time in that environment and it has been proven time and again that it is long enough to make a substantial difference in people's lives.

The Ranch isn't some miracle place. But that leads to my feelings about all this hero worshiping ... Bob, Jillian, Curtis Stone. Seriously? They are humans. It bugs me.

I like the new trainers. I think I would like to train with them over Bob and Jillian.