Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Weekly Goals

Yes, I'm two days late with asking you to check your progress on your goals from last week.  I've been sick.  And it has messed with my brain.  I think I can finally use my brain for something other than a skull-filler. 

Back to business.

How did your goals go last week?  I had determined to wake up earlier to have some spiritual time before getting the kids up and going.  And really, before this cold knocked me down, I did really well.  My days were not perfect and the kids still argued and got into trouble.  But I was able to handle it so much better.  It felt so good and I'm pretty sure it was the goal I needed.

This goal is still a work in progress.  Unfortunately, habits cannot form in seven days.  And according to This Article from PSYBLOG, even the idea of 21 days is just an old wives' tale.  And none of us are old wives.  One study showed it took an average of 66 days to create a new habit. 

So, my goal this week is to continue my scriptural mornings (complete with prayer) and to exercise as soon as I can physically handle it.  Maybe by Wednesday or Thursday.  No need to aggravate my cold and make it last even longer than it has.

What are your goals for this week and how did last week go?


Jeri Dawn said...

I survived! I know you were all on edge, just waiting to see if I would actually make it through the week. Well, rest assured, I made it! I'm at odds with my stupid Friday class though. Hate the instructor and don't feel like I even get my heart rate up enough to call it worth my time...But it's the right time of day. What to do. What to do.

This week...I really need to get my 2010 picture books of the kids scrapped and uploaded so that I can get the 9.99 deal at Artscow. Maybe today will be my day.

Cindy pushed me to already complete my other goal...a menu plan. Ahhh, I can just feel my week getting all that much better...

Merinda Reeder said...

Goal: listen to my children the first time.
Success: middling.
Next week: try again. And plan a menu... with all these fabulous ideas surrounding me it would be silly to skip the awesomeness.

Crisanne said...

I don't think I even set a goal last week, so I'll update on my week before! I didn't even try to set an exercise/eating goal because I knew with travel and the funeral of my Grandfather I would fail. I actually did pretty good, exercising 3 times that week and 4 days this past week. Still working on the whole watching what I eat thing. I do really well with meals, serving sizes etc. it's just the extra treats (valentine's candy) that seasonally pop up. My kids did well at the funeral, had a lot of questions and we answered them as best we could. Relied a lot on their innocence and faith. My favorite quote of the week was from 5 yr old Bryant "Mom. Grandpa will be resurrected so it's really not a big deal that he died." So very true.