Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hey! A New Post!!

That's right. After nearly two months of silence, the Bloggest Loser is active again.

I've thought about posting several of the health issues I've dealt with over the last several weeks:

Eating well during pregnancy
Depression eating
Controlling portion sizes during the holidays
Healthy alternatives to holiday cookies and chocolates

Can you tell which aspect of health I've been struggling with lately?

So here it is, a new year.  Time for resolutions.  So far, I've kept my food journal and actually been kind of low in my calorie intake.  I'm going to have to bump it up a little. 

I also started exercising again.  It's been a while.  I pretty much quit running after the two 5k's I did at Thanksgiving.  So now my muscles are screaming at me.  But it's the satisfying, "I HURT SO GOOD!" kind of way. 

And here we are.  I look forward to starting this blog back up again.  I've got some recruits to help me keep things going.  I think it's going to be a beautiful thing!

1 comment:

colds1 said...

My weigh in day is Wednesday so I'm just going to throw it on here now ... call me impatient.

I was down .28% or half a pound. I am SO okay with that. I ate miserably all weekend (I love New Year's food) and hopped back on plan Monday morning.

Half a pound down this week, six down since joining WW five weeks ago, only 29 pounds to go!