Monday, April 25, 2011

Weekly Goals

How did your Easter eating go?  Candy, chocolate, deviled eggs, ham, side salads, dinner rolls, you name it I most likely taste tested it.

I did try to prepare for Easter dinner.  I saved my calories for dinnertime and worked out a little extra Friday.  It truly felt like a Good Friday (I ran 3.25 miles and did my strength training class, whew!)

I'm switching things up a little this week.  My weigh in days have been Monday mornings.  However, I've begun justifying why my weight may not be where I want it to be:  "I didn't drink enough on Sunday.  "I didn't get a work out in on Sunday."  "I could be retaining water."  So I'm switching my weigh in days to Tuesday.  That way I have no excuses.  What it is, is what it is.  Plus, I get a sort of Last Chance workout on Monday and maybe I can boost my self-satisfaction a little more.

As for my goals from last week, I did okay.  I didn't overeat except on the day we got some Papa John's pizza.  I think it would've been easier to not eat three pieces of pizza if it had been cheaper pizza that doesn't make my mouth water just thinking about it.  Oh well.  Next time I'll try to listen to my body better.

This week I plan to go to the gym 4 to 5 days.  I'm watching my nephews a few days this week and I'm not sure how that's going to play into my routine.  I'll keep up on my food journal and drink plenty of water.  And I'm going to try to be in my bed (teeth brushed, prayers said, etc) by 10:30pm.  Earlier, if possible.  My food and exercise are becoming habits.  But my sleeping is suffering.

What are your goals and how did you do last week?  (All Easter-eating-related confessions welcome!)

1 comment:

Merinda Reeder said...

I did stay pretty clear of the Easter candy... until yesterday. Dangit.
For the next 6 weeks I've got Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday as my gym mornings. Maybe I can steal a couple Fridays from my husband.
The reality is that Saturday doesn't happen. The gym weekend hours are 7-7 which isn't early enough.
My gym days are my best days. I'm aware of what I eat, I drink my 100+ ounces of water, and I feel better. The home-workout days aren't as good... it's the fitness equivalent of not praying or not cracking the scriptures.
Summer vacation will bring alternating weeks. Meanwhile, I must maximize my two awesome days each week and make my other days work, too.