Friday, April 15, 2011


Yesterday my health care provider approved me for starting up an exercise routine. Today I paid my opening gym fees and got on an elliptical machine for the first time in more than a year. I know what I have been capable of; and today was hard. I went at about 2/3 of the pace that was once my "easy" pace. I was really whooped after 20 minutes and pushed myself to go for 30.

It is hard to start a new good habit. It is hard to change lifestyle, and it is hard to take the first step in a good, worthy, change-making goal.

For me, anyway, it's hard.
What successes have you had in making new changes? Feel free to brag and congratulate yourself.
What helps push you through from "hard" to "habit?" Feel free to share.

I draw on my healthy supply of stubborn.
I reflect often on my motivation.
And I turn to my support. I love having a workout buddy in the gym with me; but right now I go alone... so in lieu of an on site workout buddy, I'm calling to all you.

Pat me on the back, brag about your own work - whatever the goal, and pass around the encouragement.


colds1 said...

Way to go! I am almost embarrassed to say that I've never been on an elliptical machine, but 30 minutes of it sounds plenty hard to me! And I haven't just had a c-section!

My latest habit change has been getting up early each morning and exercising. I've been fairly consistent for a few weeks now. My motivation? Public humiliation. Yep. Enough people know that I'm planning to wear my Cotillion dress that now I HAVE to wear it.

My other motivation, when it comes to weight loss habits, is a reality check. In my head I don't look as bad as I do in real life. If I look at pictures or see someone who actually weighs less than me or wears smaller clothes but in my head I thought I was thinner, then I get a surge to do better. That's probably not the most healthy reaction. My motivation should be something like my overall health or something, but, sadly, I'm more vain than that.

Jeri Dawn said...

Way to go Mindy! I remember that first time back's like swimming in mud. Way to push through. Keep it up--it will take a while. The elliptical and I are friends right now. It's not my favorite exercise, but options are limited at 7 months prego. I tried walking on the treadmill yesterday. I get frustrated because I'm too bulky to get my heart-rate up like I want to. Oh well. Are you doing any weights?

Shelly said...

Hooray, Mindy!!!! Good job, my friend. And great job in pushing yourself those final 10 minutes. That's the hardest part for me.... justifying why I can stop earlier than I intended.

I have to say that I had a total geek-out moment on Wednesday. Tuesday and Wednesday classes are taught by the same instructor. She's the coolest. Every time I'm in her classes I push myself and try to be even half as awesome as she is. Wednesday as I was leaving the gym (I had worked the treadmill for 20 minutes after class) I passed by her and she stopped me and said (in her Aussie accent), "Hey, you are awesome!" I nearly pulled a Wayne's World and bowed down on the ground saying, "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy!" Especially because I know I have the grace of a newborn giraffe. But to have someone notice me, and want me to succeed and put 120% into my workouts means a lot to me. She supports me and that makes me want to do even better.

And my husband is commenting about how great I'm looking, so that helps to! ;)

Shelly said...

*too. (I hate spelling errors!)