Friday, April 8, 2011

This Week on the Biggest Loser

To watch this week's episode go Here or watch below.


I watched this a couple days ago but haven't had a chance to sit and write this, so I hope I remember all the good stuff.

This week started almost immediately with a challenge.  The winners got a night out on the town and the three losing teams had to spring clean the ranch. The challenge was interesting.  Can you feel out the distance of a mile?  Each team took a different approach than what I expected.  I thought it would be easy to run for the number of minutes they usually run a mile and count out 2000 steps (an approximate mile).  Funny how the team that was the furthest behind and wished more than anyone else that they had run ended up scrambling at the last second and winning.  The Black Team got to dress up and head out while everyone else scrubbed.

This week each team had someone/something that made them very vulnerable at the weigh in.

Blue Team: Bob's team worried this week that all of their hard work over the last several weeks was going to come back and bite them in the rump.  They hadn't played any games or thrown any weigh ins and were afraid this was going to be their less-lost week.  However, they won the weigh in and pulled great numbers, even though the have 2 smaller girls on their team.

Black Team: The obvious worry for the Black Team has been Rulon's recent admission of cheating on his diet.  Jillian sat down with him and they talked it out.  Jillian has a tendency to start the season out very rough-egded, and this season was no exception, but it's seemed to take a lot longer to like her than usual.  But I like her again.  To hear Rulon talk about "deserving" a treat..... it's exactly what I've told myself a million times.  I'm so glad Jillian helped him learn how to incorporate his favorite higher-calorie foods into his life.  I wouldn't have minded seeing a little more of that lesson.  The Black Team headed out on their prize trip and Hannah finally accepted the fact that she doesn't have to be the victim.  Finally.  Now maybe I can like her. 

Green Team:  Ken got injured this week.  Never a good sign.  Especially when he's been so constant and dependable.   But even Austin had a bad weigh in.  I thought for sure they were goners.  But I really want Austin to make it to Make Over Week.  Really.

Red Team:  Courtney was alone this week.  She rallied her friends to support her and they did.  Brett only had her to train and they worked hard together.  Yet Courtney only lost 2 lbs, not too shy from her target for the night.  I think it's a shame when anyone leaves at this point in the game.  They are all working hard and I hate to see them go.  But I must not have bonded with Courtney as much as the Ranch did because they were all a lot angrier than I was about Courtney's immediate departure.  I was, however, very sad to see Brett go.  I really hope this wasn't his last chance on the Ranch. Jillian is leaving the show, but I don't want Brett or Cara to leave too.  There was at least one season when three trainers worked together on the Ranch.  Maybe they'll bring that angle back.

Did I miss anything?  What did you think?


colds1 said...

I got caught up on the last two weeks of shows last night.

I started liking Hannah a lot better as well. I think the guy that was hitting on her was totally drunk!

I didn't have the love affair with Courtney that everyone else did either. And I was never worried about her going home - she lost more weight at home on her own than on the ranch.

What annoyed me the most was the use of the word "plateau" concerning Courtney. Yes, her weight loss has slowed down. But she hasn't plateaued. I know about plateaus. Plateaus are when the scale doesn't move AT ALL or it goes down a pound, up a pound. She still lost 15 pounds in 5 weeks. That isn't a plateau. Sure, it isn't high-speed-biggest-loser numbers, but she's lost 200 pounds. Her body can only do so much. And she figured it out at home! That's my soap box for the night.

Merinda Reeder said...

The guy who hit on Hannah was totally a plant. And yes, confident Hannah is much better than victim Hannah.
DQ is going to get some business from BL and they are going to HAVE to add healthier stuff to the menus. Better BL than "Supersize Me" though, right?
And Rulon. I know that "we" are team Rulon... but I've been really annoyed with him for weeks... like wishing-he'd-drop-below-the-line annoyed.
Then his chat. I am just like him. Don't tell me I can't have tortilla chips, or I'll get deprived and I'll eat a jumbo bag too. I totally get Rulon's emotions. While I haven't reached 400 lbs, I haven't managed to get off my baby weight after pregnancies because it's hard, and I reward my hard work with the bad food.
Lastly, watching the web exclusives, Hannah says Rulon looks like Uncle Fester. See if you don't agree.