Friday, April 22, 2011

The Biggest Loser in New Zealand, Weeks 1 and 2

Once I realized how late I was posting last week's Biggest Loser update, I figured I'd wait and just combine the two total weeks in New Zealand.  So let's have at it......

New Zealand, Part 1.  See it here or below.

New Zealand, Part 2.  See it here or below.


There seemed to be a lot of fluff in these episodes.  Maybe there was a lot less drama than usual?  I'm not really sure.  But both episodes highlighted a lot of extreme sports: cliff swinging, bungee jumping, and the likes.  I'm not really sure what the point of showing all of that was, except for maybe the point of overcoming fears.  I loved watching Bob prepare to jump off the building.  I laughed so hard!  And the bungee jumping with Rulon in the second week.... hello?  The exact anniversary of his plane crashing into Lake Powell?  Can we say, "Holy cow"?  And then to see him actually hit the water was great.

So, the challenges.  Week one had a 5k along the vast and rugged terrain of New Zealand.  Man, that's a beautiful place.  Josh and I have agreed that when we get a summer home in South Africa, we'll have to zip over to New Zealand every so often.  Anyway, the sand cliffs they had to climb to get to the finish line were insane!  I'd love to try that.  So the Blue Team won and the girls agreed to let Moses take Kaylee on the aerial tour of the island.  With the two of them having familial ties to the area, it was very nice that they got to go together. 

In week two the challenge was to body board half a mile down river.  Most of them figured out how to use the currents to propel them downstream.  Smart.  I'm afraid I would've been like Austin and floundered around behind everyone else.  It still would've been pretty cool, though.  Really, I think doing anything in New Zealand would be pretty darn cool.  Olivia won and got immunity.  Everyone began expressing their fear of Rulon.  Yeah, I think he could easily win the whole thing, but I still like him and want him to succeed.  There was some recurrence of victim mentality.  Give me a break.

Some other highlights: Ken and Cara had it out during week one.  Ken wanted Cara to give him more training and began thinking he needed the experience of Bob and Jillian.  I can understand a bit.  At the gym the trainers wear shirts labeled either, "Certified Personal Trainer" or "Master Trainer."  I'm sure either trainer is good, but if you had your choice, who would you pick?  Anyway, Cara gave Ken her full attention and he had some good results.

In week two, Brett came back.  Yay!  I was so happy to see him.  I was happy to see everyone move to individuals and even happier to see everyone get to use any and all of the four trainers.  And I was happy to see the four trainers work with each other.  Finally.

Weigh ins: Week one the Blue Team fell below the yellow line.  There were several people with bad numbers, all attributed to traveling.  Moses ended up offering himself so Olivia could stay.  Everyone but Kaylee and Rulon voted for Moses.  That just fueled the fear of Rulon all the more. 

Week two the individuals below the yellow line were Hannah and Ken.  Ken said he wanted to stay and the vote wasn't nearly as close as it had been the previous week.  With Victim Hannah rearing her head again, I would've been fine with her going home.  But she stayed and Ken went home to paraglide with his kids, which is amazing considering his previous fear of heights.  I would've loved to see him go to make over week.  But as long as Austin makes it, I'll be happy.

1 comment:

Merinda Reeder said...

I wanted Moses to make a case for staying. Olivia's claim that she needed to stay so she'd be able to have children was weak at best. She's within the healthy weight range, now, and for this dream to suddenly come up on the vote? Whatever... she voted to send Sarah home.
I liked Brett's cliff climb best: the other three were just fun; but Brett's would be a workout besides adventurous.
I like the web exclusives of Jillian's extreme zipline and Irene's workout with Brett. Go see them.
Glad they are in singles. New Zealand is Gorgeous and I'd love to visit and be extreme. And Ken paragliding? That guy really did take on his fears.