Monday, April 4, 2011

Weekly Goals

Time to think about last week.  How did your goals go?  What did you do?

I went to the gym and tried out the classes.  They are very fun and I look forward to keeping them up.  During each class we use an entire song as we focus on different areas.  In the strength training class we work our shoulders for an entire song, our legs, arms, abs, etc.  The Combat class uses martial art and kickboxing moves.  We did sword training to one of the songs off the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack.  I loved it!

Despite all my training, healthy eating, and water consumption, I didn't lose any weight.  Not even an ounce.  I have to remember that I'm doing something new and this week should be better.

New goals: keep eating well, go to the gym 5 days a week, drink plenty of water. 

Here's to a new week, and even better results next week!


Merinda Reeder said...

Your gym sounds fun.
My husband has been to the gym 5 mornings of the last 7.
He tried Saturday, too; but the gym opens later, so he came home.
One more week and I'll join.
I'm looking forward, and hope I'll still have the commitment I think I have now.
This week my goal is to do laundry, do dishes, and pick up my other domestic duties that I dropped last month. Time to be a person again, I think.

Crisanne said...

This past week I kicked myself out of the rut I have been in and decided it was time to actually try. No more being lazy and semi-working out. I exercised 5 days, watched what I ate, drank plenty of water... and saw no results. I really did want 1 week of trying to just do it for me! Just kidding. There really is a long-term goal with mile markers and rewards!

colds1 said...

I'm down another pound. Whew.

I'm actually enjoying getting up early and getting that exercise out of the way and checked off my to do list.

This week I want to eat a piece of fruit for a snack every day. I find it easier to grab a low calorie granola bar or something dairy for my in-between meal snacks, but I need more fruits and veggies every day. So I want to grab the fruit at least one snack each day.