Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weekly Goals

How was this week?  Did you attain your goals?

Last week I checked out the gym.  It's going to be interesting.  I opted not to pay the millions of dollars for a personal trainer (not the real price, just an approximation) but the classes will be fun and I'm looking forward to really getting into it. 

My eating went okay.  I did eat some of my simple carbs when I made calzone with Pillsbury pizza dough.  I don't really feel too bad about it, though, because it was a fun new recipe and it tasted good.  But overall, it was a good week. 

And I'm hoping next week is even better: 3 days at the gym, journal my food, drink lots of water, and get plenty of sleep.

How did you do?  Any new/standing goals?


colds1 said...

I'm taking Jeri Dawn's oft repeated advice to heart ... My goal is to get up at 6 am and exercise every day. I'm hoping 6 is early enough. The boys just know when I get up early and tend to follow me out of their rooms and ask all sorts of questions while I exercise. It drives me nuts. Today I had an hour before the first one showed his head. That was nice!

Merinda Reeder said...

I can't start just yet... but I'm excited about it and I'm going to tell you now anyway. I'm going to go to the gym 3 mornings a week (starting in 2 weeks). Clinton is going the other 3.
He just had a look at his blood pressure and other stats, and [no surprise] he needs to deal with his stress and lose some weight.
So we're going to trade mornings at the gym. I'm hoping that this lasts. Mornings are tough for my love; but I'm hoping.
Wish us luck.

Jeri Dawn said...

Yay Cindy! You go girl!