Wednesday, March 23, 2011

This Week on the Biggest Loser

For this week's episode, go Here or watch below:


My eyes began watering in the episode and they kept watering on and off throughout.  I think there were several moments of realization throughout the week.  Unfortunately, there was a lot drama at the weigh in that overshadowed a lot of that.

First the one team was split into four teams: Green (Cara), Red (Brett), Black (Jillian), and Blue (Bob).  I was expecting a temptation for power so one person could decide everyone's fate.  But I actually liked that it was random.  The teams seemed pretty well matched.  Not much of a chance for any "but we're the weaker link" whining.  The Black Team came up a person short and were given the task of choosing their teammate from the eliminated players.

Each team was taken off of the ranch and got a workout somewhere else.  Bob took his team to a gym (I missed if it was chosen for a specific reason) and ran a spinnng class.  Jillian invited her team to her beach house.  Brett took his team out to a field.  That sounds worse than it actually was.  And Cara took her team to a boxing gym.  My eyes watered a bit over Rulon's admissions to Jillian.  I think it's not uncommon for people to feel unworthy of their spouse.  I got teary over Justin's self-realization.  Sort of the same thing Crisanne wrote about two posts before this.

The challenge of holding the weights over their heads..... that looked tough.  I'd rather have the mud or sand.  I did like the whole fire thing.  That made it look rebelliously cool.  And it was here that we learned that the Black Team chose Jay as their third member.  The main choices seemed to be either Jay or Arthur.  I, personally, was glad to see Jay.  Arthur could've used more help from the ranch, but Jay was a more worthy competitor.  The Red Team won, but gave their prize (video chats with family) to the Blue Team, who had come in second.  It was nice of them to do. 

The video chats were touching.  Watching Olivia's husband get emotional was enough to start some waterworks again.  And then Moses.  I love his wife.  She said just what I hope I would have.  It's no wonder Moses has been so focused so far.

So let's get to the drama.  Jay weighed in well.  Was he the biggest loser of the night?  He might have been.  Some other people had a good night.  Others struggled.  Then we got to the Green Team and Kaylee was confident in her plan to throw the weigh in.  She wanted to go home, as in she wanted to be the next person gone.  She lost nothing.  Austin lost 3 lbs and Ken lost the exact amount he needed to to save the team.  What the heck was going on here?  Kaylee wanted to be voted off.  That way she would be the only one to go.  Ken didn't want to throw the weigh in.  Kaylee was told she could leave if she wanted to, but if she did someone on the Red Team would still be voted off.  It was like butting heads all over the place.  And what was with Brett telling Ken that what goes around comes around?  Contradicting expectations were everywhere.

The worst part was that Courtney and Justin were put up on the chopping block.  I'm not surprised that Justin encouraged everyone to keep Courtney (she has lost 201 lbs, holy smokes!) but I'm shocked that the vote came between the two of them.  I'm always glad when they show the "Where are they now" segment at the end because you can usually see that the people are fine, because the shock of the vote is so sad.  But I did hope to see Justin during Make Over Week.  I'll just keep looking forward to seeing Austin during that week.

I made the mistake of watching the preview for next week.  If you like to wait and be surprised then I won't say any details.  But it does look like morale is slipping all over the place.  That doesn't bode well for the long term goals of losing and maintaining weight.

What did you think?

1 comment:

colds1 said...

They went to Bob's gym that he's been teaching at since the mid-90s. On Facebook he still posts his schedule for spin classes there.

I actually fast forwarded through some of the show. It was dragging for me. I didn't think they got to anything new except for Kaylee's realization. And I loved her realization! She's found her voice. She's almost to her ideal weight. She hasn't been terribly successful on the ranch the last few weeks. She's ready to go home and get on with her life. I don't look down on her for wanting to go home. I don't look down on her for wanting to throw the weigh in. Yes, the ranch is not a prison (loved how angry Allison got) but if you go home on your own, someone else is still going to go home too. It would be better to be voted off and save the others another week. I think she should have gone home anyway though. I have a hard time seeing how this week is going to be good for her.

I wasn't under the impression that Ken wasn't trying to help Kaylee. I think he just didn't try hard enough. I think editing made Brett's comment not make sense.

What really ruffled my feathers was Courtney's remark about people game playing. I paused the tv and muttered a ton. Hello! She's been on that black team where the parents repeatedly did stuff to "save the kids." And she wasn't oblivious to what was being done. Her own mom was one of the biggest offenders. I also thought Courtney should have been the one to go home. She's lost 201 pounds. Most of it on her own. She doesn't NEED the ranch. Obviously Justin doesn't either, but their rationale bugs me.

Other seasons it has been all about staying on the show to become the biggest loser and win the money. This season it is like the other extreme. Nobody is talking money and winning (except Jillian when she was trying to help the black team choose their teammate). I'd like a season with a happy medium.

Austin needs to make it to make-over week.

How long is this season going to go on? The previews for next week make it seem like it is never going to end!