Monday, March 21, 2011

Meal Plan Monday Blahs

I've mentioned before that I do a rough draft of my menu monthly.  I opened my file today, looked at what I'd tentatively put down, and screwed up my face.  None of it sounded appealing.

That's okay.  I'm more than happy to make changes.  My problem is that NOTHING sounds appealing.  I thought about all the meals I make.  Nothing.  I thought about the meals I know that other people make.  NOTHING.  I thought about meals I get at restaurants.  Nope.  Nothing.

This is a problem.  I have a husband and four little boys who need to eat.  Every day.  Every day I have to provide them with meals.  It is terribly difficult for me to make meals when nothing sounds good.

So, I don't know what we'll really be eating this week.  If I had no concerns about nutrition or health, we'd be having brownies a'la mode all week and maybe the occasional tater tot.  But I do have concerns about the healthiness of the meals I give my children and I am still working to lose weight.  So the brownies and tater tots are out.

Here is what I'd originally thought we'd be eating.  I doubt any of it is right.  Okay.  I'm sure we'll have pizza.  That's a given around here.

MONDAY:  Pizza Pasta (also known as baked ziti, but my boys will eat anything called pizza so we changed the name)

TUESDAY:  Baked Potato Bar

WEDNESDAY:  Tuna Noodle Casserole

THURSDAY:  German Pancakes

FRIDAY:  Take-out Chinese


SUNDAY:  Roast, potatoes, and carrots in the crock-pot


colds1 said...

Ended up with grilled cheese and Campbells tonight ... it's going to be an interesting week!

Shelly said...

Ugh. I've been having Menu Blahs for a couple weeks now. Maybe I'll get my menu together this week. But not today. Tonight we ordered pizza. Bad me.

Jeri Dawn said...

Must be an epidemic. I'm too busy to deal with dinner! Ha ha. Today is definitely pizza (for Nikell's birthday), yesterday was leftovers from having family over all weekend. My problem is that I'm out of grocery money too! I'm thinking salad with veggies and more veggies and I think there are some enchiladas in the freezer....

Merinda Reeder said...

I've got my mother-in-law in town. Last night was her apple chicken salad on croissants.
Tonight will be my frozen enchiladas with rice and beans... probably going to cave and let the girls eat quesadillas and at least a bit of beans.
Don't know what days are what; but the week may include:
(W?) chicken broccoli casserole (Grandma)
(TH?) another of my frozen dinners
(F?) Crock pot chicken
(Sat) Friendly's - restaurant in Gettysburg, PA
(Sun?) Grandma's meatloaf

And Grandma overwriting one of these with fast food... odds are good.