Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Last Week on the Biggest Loser

To see the episode from last week, go Here or watch below.


This last week the alliances reared in full force.  It seems that the alliances this season are greater in magnitude than in the past.  Before there have been three, maybe four, people in cahoots with each other.  Now it's as many as 6 at a time.  That's a huge alliance.  And it's proven to be the only way to keep people safe or ensure their demise.

So this week saw captains coming into play.  It was no surprise to see Justin take the captain role on the Red Team.  He continually stepped up to challenge or encourage everyone throughout the season so far.  But I wasn't all that thrilled with the idea of Marci as the captain for the Black Team.  Her leadership skills depend on martyrdom and parental guilt.  She's the captain by default because all of the other parents (and the Black
Team depends on parents to keep the "kids" alive) have already sacrificed themselves.  Maybe I'm still bitter from a few weeks ago when the parents all bullied Jesse into sacrificing himself and then they threw the weigh in so they could self sacrifice rather than work really hard to beat the Red Team.  That still irks me and it still bugs me that they've been allowed to have this mentality for so long.  Um, Bob, Jill, need you guys to see what's going on and slap your team around a bit until they realize that they're just setting themselves up for failure at home.

The challenge looked like fun.  Playing in the mud is always a great way to spend time.  I don't blame Courtney for being upset that she had to sit it out.  Where was Marci's brain on that one?  If poor Ken hadn't struggled so much on the other team, it would've been very obvious that Courtney should've played.  But, as usual, I groaned when the Red Team didn't win. 

What about the challenge of one cook per team?  I thought it was hilarious that Olivia (or was it Hannah?) thought she understood now how the "mothers of America" feel.  That still makes me chuckle.  A) She had no children crawling all over her as she prepped and cooked.  B) She had no husband wanting her attention.  C)  She got to put a spin bike in the kitchen (not all of us have equipment at home).  And D) She had no housework, bills, job, cleaning, or kid pick up/drop off to do as well.  Maybe she got a glimpse of one aspect of mothers trying to lose weight, but it was limited.  I think her 2 lbs lost is very decent for missing so much time in the gym and it makes those little victories at home that much more obvious.

So the weigh in.  The Red Team finally got some good numbers in.  Remember at the beginning of the season how they absolutely dominated?  That over-abundant weight loss isn't going to happen for them anymore because their bodies are getting fit again.  But to see higher numbers was a nice change. 

The Black Team struggled.  They had great numbers the previous week, so it's really no surprise.  But here's where the alliances came back into play.  Marci couldn't sacrifice herself like she'd ignorantly hoped.  I called it from the moment she stepped on the scale.  You can't be her size, lose five pounds, and then be shocked that you're the biggest loser of the week.  But the alliance got rid of Sarah because she wasn't originally one of theirs.  In my opinion, it was just as sad to see her go as it was Arthur.  She needed to stay and continue to build her confidence and muscle strength.  The girl lost most of her muscles after a car accident that left her unable to walk.  She was doing well, she took the chance of doing something different by going to the Black Team, and ultimately the alliance kicked her out.  If the Black Team complains one more time about the Red Team sending someone home who was not "one of their own" I think I'll barf.

What did you think?


colds1 said...

Sitting Courtney out made some sense ... she was their biggest girl and size could really hamper progress on that challenge. The bigger you are, the more of you there is to fall off. Sarah probably would have made more sense though, seeing as she was the weaker teammate.

Olivia's "moms of America" crap was that ... plain crap. Even Kevin was like "all she is doing is fixing their food, what's the big deal?" Yes, it took away from exercise time, but it shouldn't have taken away THAT much time in my opinion.

The vote ... I had already heard it was Sarah going home before I saw the show (one of the disadvantages of her being originally from Utah and the news following her progress), so when Marci started going on about how the person she was voting off was strong and ready to go home and would kick it at home, blah, blah, blah ... I couldn't believe she was talking about Sarah. I laughed when she voted Olivia because all of that stuff did apply to Olivia. I thought it was interesting that the "kids" (brats, is more my thinking) didn't vote the same as Marci. Was that so Marci could still shine in Sarah's eyes or some rebellion or what?

Quite frankly, the black team just bugs me.

Merinda Reeder said...

What can I add? Yeah, the black team bugs. Jen was one of my favorite "Ranch" people and she is not improved by returning to them. The only black team member that I still like is Irene. Perhaps because she isn't getting much face time.
It's way too "us vs. them" and is beginning to annoy.