Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This Week on the Biggest Loser

To catch this week's episode of the Biggest Loser, go Here.  Or watch below.


Aristotle taught us about hamartia, or the tragic flaw.  The one thing that becomes the downfall of a hero/heroine.  Usually that flaw is hubris, or pride.  So much hubris this week.

First, however, we were introduced to Team 12, the team that just missed coming to the ranch.  They got a chance to weigh in and earn a spot on the ranch.  Although they both lost a commendable amount of weight (the mom lost 45 lbs in 13 weeks, which is great!), neither of them were able to make it onto the ranch.  I hope they bring them back at the finale to weigh in again.  I really hope they are able to continue to lose weight and prove to themselves that they can do it. 

So now we come to the pop challenge.  The ball, rolly thing.  It looked hard.  I'm glad my immediate future didn't depend on it.  The Green Team won and got a 1 minute advantage at the challenge.  The Red Team, however, lost and therefore lost their stay at the ranch for the week.  So, on my list of things to mention the word "Idiots" came up.  Stupid idiots.  Jen and Courtney were given a menu and a budget to choose their necessities/luxuries for the week.  It included things like food choices, workout options, spa treatments, phone calls home, etc.  Idiots.  They chose to make their own food (commendable), get gym memberships (understandable), phone calls home (what?), massages (excuse me?), and a night at a restaurant (WTH?).  The idea was, "It's week 13, we should know what to do by now."  Yes, you've learned a lot.  But you've also got years of bad habits, choices and temptations to continue to overcome.  They had the chance to "buy" their trainer Brett, but opted not to.  If they had kept their food option and gym memberships they would've been able to afford two days with Brett.  But no, they thought they needed to pamper themselves.  Idiots.  Courtney totally should've stood up for herself and gotten Brett for at least one day. 

On to the challenge.  Easter egg hunting.  I love movies.  But I think I wouldn't have minded losing this challenge and missing out on going to the world premiere of the movie Hop.  But the intrigue of the golden egg was enough to keep it going.  Unfortunately, the egg resulted in Olivia having the only vote for the weigh in.  A bitter-sweet prize.  I wouldn't have wanted it.

In the gym we saw Bob and Jillian tag teaming a bit.  Moses asked Jillian if he could box and Jillian helped him realize that he just did something for himself.  I like Moses.  Bob helped Rulon gain some confidence.  Just a side note: Bob always reminds me a little bit of Corey Larsen.  And then he wore his jaunty hat.  Made me miss my friend.  Anyway....

Finally the weigh in came and we finally got to see what all the previews were about.  All this talk of Rulon sneaking food.  I was expecting him being the goose egg.  But first the Blue Team weighed in with a good effort.  Again, I like Moses.  Irene seems to fly under the radar a lot.  We don't know much about her, she rarely makes comments, she doesn't win a lot but she doesn't lose a lot, they didn't even show her video chat with her family the other week.  I'd like to get to know her soon. 

The Green Team stepped up and proved a much better week than last week.  Cara beat the crap out of them this week.  I like Cara too.  Although her deer-in-the-headlights look always makes me roll my eyes a little. 

Next was the Black Team and their sluggish efforts.  Jay had a decent weigh in, but has lost some steam.  Then Hannah lost nothing.  Throw weigh ins much?  Then Rulon lost 5 lbs.  And the truth came out that he's been off his diet.  The previews made it out so much worse than it was.  Yes, it's horrible that he's sabotaging himself by neglecting his food plan.  He's got some hubris starting to shine through.  But I was so glad that he still lost weight and that he admitted his troubles.  I can't count how many times I've messed myself up too.  I just really, really, really hope he gets fixed by next week.

The Red Team.  Any surprises here?  The hubris kicked in and kicked Jen out.  Between the two of them they only had to lose 6 lbs but Jen's attitude of using the time away from the ranch as a break away from the ranch and Courtney's not wanting to rock the boat got them in the end. 

I hope they all step it up next week.  One bad week is fine, but now they've got to turn it all around.

1 comment:

Merinda Reeder said...

Where to begin? Aristotle... good beginning.
I really wish that team 12 had a reachable goal. It's not realistic to lose that fast without doctors, trainers, and full-on, out-and-out laser focus. I would love it if they could get on the ranch. really.

Menu... yep, idiots. Dinner at a restaurant? are you kidding me? You have to trim down your meal and skip the bread. Why bother?

Golden Egg: totally sucked. That's not a prize; it's a millstone.

Love the Moses moment. I didn't initially like Jillian; but she is really awesome - takes in the whole person, not just the weight.
Also, the Bob-Corey observation will change Bob for me forEVER. Yep. I totally see it now.

I would like to call out Rulon myself. "Hello! you just met team 12. I bet they'd swap places with you for a bag of chips. How dare you?"

Agree about Irene. She flies pretty low.
I'm starting to like Cara; though she really doesn't have many facial expressions, and most of them look silly.

Interested to see if they leave the teams alone and let Courtney battle it solo next week.