Wednesday, March 2, 2011

10 Factors that play a key role in weight gain

This list came from the nutritionist for the Biggest Loser show. She recommends looking at our own lives and, if we do any of these things, that we have a great place to make a small change for the better. I know I need to especially work on #4 and #10.

People with weight gain problems usually,

1. Prioritized other things—such as their families, friends, and jobs—over their own health and well being.
2. Had absolutely no idea how many calories their bodies really needed (or how many they consumed each day).
3. Frequently skipped breakfast and other meals.
4. Didn't eat enough fruits or vegetables.
5. Didn't eat enough lean protein.
6. Didn't eat enough whole grains.
7. Ate too much "white stuff," such as white flour, white pasta, white sugar, white rice, and simple carbohydrates.
8. Didn't plan their meals in advance and often found themselves grabbing something on the go, which they ate standing up, in the car, or at their desks.
9. Drank too many of their calories (some people consumed their daily calorie budgets in sugary drinks alone!) but didn't drink enough water or milk.
10. Didn't get enough exercise (if any).


Merinda Reeder said...

My problems are #2 and #7... though I won't say I'm blameless on any of those. Well, I am not too bad with #9 usually.

Jeri Dawn said...

President Monson speaks of a man who decided to not play basketball on Sunday. Of course the playoff of all playoff's was on a Sunday and he chose not to play. He says it was the best decision he ever made. Some people might have said that it was okay in this particular extenuating circumstance. However, he says his entire life turned out to be an unending stream of extenuating circumstances! Crossing the line once just makes it easier to do it again. The lesson he learned was that it is easier to keep the commandments 100% of the time than it is 98% of the time.

Why do I tell you this? Because exercise is the same way. When you exercise, say 3 days a week, then you have the whole week to decide every day whether today is one of the days you are going to exercise...or not. The best thing I ever did, as far as exercise goes, was to switch to 5 days a week, early in the morning. I get up and get it done every day. No extenuating circumstances and it's 100% of the time. It's soo much easier to do it all the time rather than deciding every day all day long...

And I'm with Mindy. I love white stuff...especially with cheese.