Monday, February 28, 2011

Weekly Goals

I just realized that I did not make any goals last week.  I think that may be one reason I had a rough week.  That and the fact that I had cruddy news in one form or another nearly every day. 

I think I need some specificity this week. 

1.  Spiritual -- read the scriptures daily, pray twice a day (at least), and read at least one General Conference talk a day.

2.  Physical -- get up between 6:00 and 6:15 am and exercise, whether I go running or do one of my boring videos at home.  And maybe buy a new video to get past my boredom.

3.  Emotional -- have a good cry.  I need the catharsis and a good chick flick might just do the trick.  But I'll have to watch it alone.  I can really use a good, loud sob and I can't really do that with other people around.

4.  Mental -- get organized.  I need to organize my coupons.  Might sound stupid, but the thought of that mess is stressing me out.  Also, I need to organize our budget, some paperwork for Josh's work, and prep for our new stupid bathroom.  Our bathroom is going to be very pretty, but that doesn't mean I have to like it right now.  Maybe I'll go into that more on my home blog tomorrow.  If I get some of my other things organized I'll get on that.

How did your goals go?  And any suggestions for my Goal 3?


Jeri Dawn said...

Shelly, I don't have any suggestions for you...but I wanted you to know that I have been thinking about you A LOT lately. I pray for you every stinking day! I hope things come together for you soon, and until then I hope you have the ability to just keep putting one foot in front of the other. I love you!

Merinda Reeder said...

Same thing I said last week, as far as my goals.
As to you, "Return to Me" gets me pretty soppy. "Steel Magnolias" and possibly "Anna & the King."
I always cry in parts of "Quigley Down Under" but that's sometimes out of anger or disbelief. Yep, even if I've seen it before.
Silly as it seems, "Sarah, Plain and Tall."
Barring those, "Old Yeller."

colds1 said...

Personally, I'd rather see you have a good cry because you were laughing so hard. If we lived closer, I'd invite you over for games. We always end up laughing to tears with Kevin playing Catch Phrase. Kills me every time!

My goals. I'm down 2 pounds this week. That makes 10 pounds in 13 weeks. That feels very slow. But I'm still hacking away at it.

To help this week, I'm trying to get my water and fruit/veggie requirements for each day (did I say that for last week?). After tracking my food this long, I know that I have to actually think and plan and count to get those 5 servings of produce a day. I feel so much better when I'm hungry and instead of a 90 calorie granola bar, I grab fruit instead.

On I go.