Thursday, February 10, 2011

Two Nights Ago on the Biggest Loser

I finally got to watch this week's Biggest Loser last night at about 11:00.  I hope I can remember everything about it.  For the latest episode, go Here or watch it below:


So this episode started out with what everyone has been waiting for: the official contest between the two teams.  Red vs Black.... the Unknowns vs the Ranch.  Now it's the usual competition: whoever has the lowest overall percentage goes to the elimination and votes off on of their teammates. 

And the game began immediately with the Valentines chocolate temptation.  Since I was craving chocolate last night, I realized that this temptation could easily be my downfall.  But because I like chocolate not power.  I always applaud those that resist the temptations, mostly because it seems they have their bearings straight.  And those that win are often the ones that need the most help.  This week was no exception.  Of course, I wasn't surprised to see Q eat.  He's been struggling from the beginning.  Josh and I both screamed at the TV when Rulon ate.  But the two of them combined didn't eat even a third of the number that Arthur ended up eating.

So the winner of this challenge was to remain anonymous as they chose if they'd leave the teams alone or if they'd trade two members of their team for two from the other.  The trade was made: Jay and Jen (the former Green Team) on the Black Team were traded for Deni and Sarah on the Red.  Because we didn't see everyone go in to the temptation, it was possible that someone could've eaten more than Arthur's 35 pieces.  But Arthur felt the need to explain his decision as to why he traded the two strongest players from his own team for the two smallest members of the Red team.

Arthur's mind isn't in the game yet.  He decided to get rid of a guy he doesn't trust (and why should he when he was the one that sent the Green Team to the Unknowns a few weeks ago and they weren't very happy about that) and bring over people that no one on their team has any loyalty for so they'd be voted off instead of him or his dad.

So what do you think of all of this?  Did Arthur do the right thing?  Was he acting out of desperation?  Do you think you would've tried to best the temptation or taken handfuls?  I told Josh I would've had to sit in the doorway in the fetal position to avoid eating just for the sake of eating chocolate\\=
The heat began when the two teams had to share the gym.  And all the trainers were in the same room at last.  There goes my duality theory.  Darn. I was really hoping for something theatrical.  Oh well. 

What do you think of the Red Team's extremely loud work outs?  Was the Black Team justified in whining about it?  Of course, I'll let you know what I think.  No.  They weren't.  Have they never seen the show?  I know that as a tv audience we don't get a real account of what really happens, but when Bob and Jillian have been head to head the gym seems to get pretty rowdy at times. I appreciated Bob and Jillian telling their team to focus. We are in charge of our own bodies.  And I do think the Red Team pushed it a bit, but only a bit.

The Challenge: I hoped the Red Team would win, of course, but it's always a good thing for the contestants to get contact from home.  Can you believe that Deni and Sarah missed a family wedding?  The mother of the bride didn't get to be there.  Crazy!  I don't know that I could've made that sacrifice.  And I'm pretty sure I would've been stumped on the calories challenge too.

The Weigh In: Who would've thought that the Black Team would've gotten so many huge numbers?  I was shocked.  Their defeatist attitudes bug me, but they did really well this week between the challenge and the weigh in. And seeing Q leave was no surprise.  He never did seem to quite commit himself to the cause.

But as I watched all those double digits hit the scale, I had a bit of a revelation.  The women who are approaching or in the 100s may only be losing about 5 lbs a week on the Ranch.  Really, how much better is that than the 2 lbs I lost at home this week?  It's a 3 lb difference, but nearly the same percentage lost.  So maybe only losing a pound or two at home is really a good thing and nearly as commendable as a BL contestant.

What did you think this week?


colds1 said...

Arthur's heart was in the right spot. You just can't really be mad at him for it. It was stupid, but his heart was in the right place.

Noisy gym? I thought the black team was a bunch of whiners. Seriously. Whiners.

There were no M&Ms in the temptation. I think I would have survived. But I most certainly would not have been touching and smelling the chocolates.

Did you notice the temple doors that Deni's daughter came through? :)

I think The Biggest Loser is a good show and I watch it, but I think it can be very detrimental for some. Losing double digits week after week on the show is a big deal. When you have players unsatisfied with 10 pounds in 7 days, there is a problem. It has warped most people's view of healthy weight loss. My Weight Watchers message boards are full of unhappy people with 2.8 pounds lost in a week. People are unhappy to have lost a pound. I have to fight the temptation to feel disappointment myself. The show makes it look so possible to drop big numbers. Maybe people with big pounds to lose can drop big numbers or those with ultra bad habits. But the run of the mill Joe like me couldn't lose double digits in a week while being a mom, wife, church goer, and friend. And it wouldn't be healthy and probably not sustainable. That's my soap box ... I like the show, but it distorts reality. People CAN lose weight, but your average at home person is NOT going to lose 100 pounds in 6 weeks. It wouldn't even be healthy to try.

Merinda Reeder said...

Yes you can blame Arthur. Everybody has been cutting him slack and protecting him and helping him out all along. So he seeks out a couple people he can sacrifice since nobody is left that will willingly take the fall? He's a jerk.
That's not heart in the right place; it's selfish and lazy.
That man has the most to lose; yet he isn't doing it.
I was impressed with the black numbers at the weigh-in. They had something to be happy with.
The temptation bugged me: when giving in is known, you hold strong. When it's a secret, some binge like it's a pie eating contest.
Overall I'd say it was a decent episode.
And, finally, I do agree with Cindy about reality shows vs. reality.