Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Reflect on Success

I officially name this day

Reflect on Success Day

It's been very easy to be hard on myself for not being perfect.  So as I was out struggling to keep myself running today (some days are a lot easier than others) I thought that I needed a pick-me-up.  And if I need one, maybe others do too.

So think of where you are. What have been some of your recent successes?  Anything: physical, spiritual, academic, emotional, philosophical, whatever.  What have you done well? 

I saw a picture of myself today.

This is me on September 11, 2007.  No, my t-shirt is not baggy on me.  It's a 2X-Large.  When I was that size, I had no idea how big I actually was.  Now that I've been down about 40 lbs for nearly two years, I can see the difference between then and now.  I still have more to lose, but keeping 40 lbs off for two years is a good thing.  A very good thing.  I still bask in the glory that I was recently told by the OB that I have a "runner's heart."  A much better thing to hear than what the docs were telling me in 2007.

What's something good that you've been able to accomplish?


colds1 said...

Ha! I just tried on a pair of jeans that I bought before I got pregnant with #3. They were a bit tight then but I was planning to lose 5 more pounds, not get pregnant. Today, they are a bit tight, but no tighter than they were when I bought them!

And since I plan to lose much more than 5 pounds, I'm looking forward to the day when they are too BIG!

Merinda Reeder said...

Brilliant. I need a reflect on success day.
Wahooo! Keeping weight off for 2 years is DEFINITELY an accomplishment.
So is a "runner's heart."
Getting off all the baby weight is awesome. Something I have not ever done. Way to go.
My big accomplishment: Sunday I got my Young Women Personal Progress recognition. I started in April, so that's 10 months.
I wasn't planning to get it until I met the girls' requirements instead of just the leaders, but my assignment ended. I finished the leader requirements a month ago.