Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Last Night on the Biggest Loser

Can I just tell you how much I love that NBC now will show the latest episodes of BL the next morning and not after 9pm the following Tuesday, which is like it used to be.  Makes watching the show online that much better.

So here is a clip from last week's show.  If you remember, the green team transferred to the Unknowns' gym and then fought on behalf of the Unknowns at the challenge.  I wondered what happened when the Green Team returned to the gym and I found this clip, in case you are interested....

And here is last night's episode.


So this episode began with the weigh in we didn't get to see last week.  Everyone did pretty well until we got to Irene and Don.  Did anyone else just shake their head in disappointment when they each GAINED 6 lbs?  That's a total of 15 lbs gain for Don in the last two weeks.  Major setback just to sabotage the weigh in so he could go home.  I don't understand.  Is it not possible to just walk out?  I hardly doubt the Biggest Loser Mafia will hunt people down if they realize they are so miserable that they absolutely must go home.  I do hope he finds even more success at home, but I just wish he and his brother would've gone about leaving so much more differently.

So the Unknowns came back to the Ranch and began working out in the gym with the other team.  But did anyone notice that Bob and Jillian weren't even in the gym with them at the same time?  And none of the trainers made it to final weigh in. 

Now, you have to move in closer so I can secretly tell you my thought and the Biggest Loser Mafia won't hear us.  I think Cara and Brett are actually Jillian and Bob in disguise.  It's a very "Mission: Impossible" sort of thing.  Next episode I think Cara and Brett will enter the gym, rip off their plastic masks and reveal that they've been Bob and Jillian the whole time. 

When it comes to the final weigh in, I think the Ranch players had an easy challenge to beat their previous week's weight total.  Especially considering that two of the players had gained weight instead of losing it.  I thought the challenge for the Unknowns was iffy.  Pitting them against each other and not against the other team was a bit sly.  And, yes, my bias toward the Unknowns is just as strong this week as it has been from the beginning.

I did learn two things this week that I've wondered about before: 
1.  Josh asked me once if I thought the gym had specialized equipment that was built to withstand the weight of the contestants.  We've looked at getting pieces of our own home gym and have noticed that most exercise equipment has a weight limit, generally less than 300 lbs.  So what happens when a 400 lb man sprints on a treadmill?  Rulon showed us.  They break.  Two broken treadmills in his first workout on the Ranch.  Go, Rulon! 
2.  I've often wondered how I'd feel if I worked my butt off to win a challenge but saw the hurt in someone else's eyes as they walked away empty handed.  My eyes watered as I watched Rulon become emotional over his team's victory.  But they had an ideal strategy and ran hard to get it. 

So, finally, at the elimination we saw Larialmy head home to save her husband, Q.  I think he was pretty admirable in saying he knew he couldn't lose the weight at home, but I also was grateful the rest of the team made him realize that he had to step it up and be true to his wife.  If Larialmy was going to sacrifice herself, it had better dang-well be for a good cause.  I really hope Q doesn't let her or the team down.

Probably the best quote of the week was by Bob.  I wish I really could quote him, but I'll just have to paraphrase.  He said that the priorities for losing weight must be: Thought, Food, and then Exercise.  So true.  If our minds aren't ready, the rest will be impossible to achieve.  And it takes a lot less time to eat 500 calories than it does to burn 500 calories.  (Just to give you an idea, last week I ran for half an hour and burned about 400 calories and yesterday I biked four miles in half an hour and burned a mere 300 calories.)

What did you think of this week?  Why do you think there was such a massive difference between the two teams' weight losses? 

1 comment:

colds1 said...

I was surprised at how much weight the Unknowns lost. And then again, not surprised.

It has often been emphasized on the show how changes in routine can seriously affect weight loss and you would think that the Unknowns would have shown that. They were now fixing their own meals, exercising in a different environment, and, as the green team kept pointing out, had more responsibilities (I think the green team had some jealously about the spa-like conditions the Unknowns lived with at Fitness Ridge). But the Unknowns seemed to thrive on the change.

I understand why the show didn't have the 2 teams compete against each other in the weigh-in. I'm sure they thought the Unknowns weight might falter with the change too. I think next week will be more lopsided when the two teams compete - a big week is often followed by a not so big one.

Kevin and I both are all for doing the eliminations the way they did for Don ... "Everybody who wants to vote for Don, raise your hand. Ok, Don you aren't the biggest loser. Let's move on."