Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Weekly Goals

How did you do with your goals this week?

I have to admit that by my obvious lateness in posting this, it's pretty clear that I've had one of those weeks.  It's as if my cold went away but left me with fatigue and a periodic runny nose.  Which is rough because it's such a great excuse as to why I can't fulfill any of my daily goals and why I think I must eat so badly. 

So it's time to evaluate and refigure.

My accomplishments this week were so-so. 

And so I try again.

Keep up my morning routine, exercise at least 30 minutes a day, and I'm having some fun with changing what and how much I eat at different times of the day.  I'm going for a larger lunch and a smaller dinner.  It's an experiment just to see if it makes a difference in my energy, how I feel, and my attempt at weight loss. 

How did you do?

1 comment:

colds1 said...

Down 1.5 pounds this week. Finally the scaled moved! That puts me down 8.5 pounds in 9 weeks. I'm doing my best to enjoy the journey!

I need more water. I always need more water!