Thursday, February 17, 2011

This Week on the Biggest Loser

In case you missed Tuesday's episode of the Biggest Loser, catch it Here or watch it below:


This week's episode was one of the lesser active.  There was a lot less drama than there has been, thus creating a lot less controversy to cover.

We started with the pop challenge for use of the gym.  What do you think?  Is the gym necessary?  I thought the challenge was a fun one.  One that we would've done as a synergy exercise in our Seminary class in high school.  And I loved the the Red Team was led by an Eagle Scout.

The main challenge was won by sheer brute strength.  It's possible that the Red Team could've gotten more questions correct if they'd had more time to think, I believe.  However, I also believe that the Red Team is at a disadvantage in the food department.  They had so many weeks of no hands-on training.  The Black Team is absolutely ahead of the game in that department.

I was happy to see Rulon have the beginning of his breakthrough.  Josh made a comment that I agree with.  He said that he doesn't think the new trainers get to the emotional heart of the matter with the contestants like Bob and Jillian do.  So to see him struggle at the beginning of the week and then find his inner-strength at the weigh in was a relief.

About the weigh in: was choosing to sit out Irene a good decision?  Obviously, in hindsight, the better decision would've been Arthur.  I thought they'd choose Courtney. 

But what about the Black Team and the notion that they are the underdogs?  Not all of them believe it, but there's enough whining that it's annoying.  They haven't lost a single player since the Unknowns returned to the ranch.  They are killing at the scale.  Can they even qualify as underdogs?  I'm thinking.... no.

To see Jay go was sad.  Especially since he works so hard and had a good number on the scale.  Is it a wise decision for the Red Team to stay loyal to the original members or should they be picking off the smaller people now? 

Here's hoping they don't have to make that decision next week.


Merinda Reeder said...

I Loved the knot challenge. We were tired of Red being behind all last week, so it was way happy to see them dominate both challenges.
Is the Gym vital? apparently not, as the black team won the weigh-in.
My theory: the food department is what's hurting the red team. None of them are pulling in the numbers they were before they came to the ranch.
Loved the impromptu swimming challenge in full sweats and shoes.
We were also surprised that they picked Irene; but she's been super focused since her mom left the first week. I thought Arthur or Courtney also.
Underdogs... no. Whiners... some of them definitely are.
Speaking of who isn't a whiner, Jay took it stoically. We were sorry to see him go; but I can't think of who on the red team I'd rather have lost; I definitely like them all. I'd like to pick off a couple whiners, though.
And I think it's time for the red team to let Jen into their club. No more "loyal to the original." They made their point.
I hope the black team doesn't do the same; Deni and Sarah don't deserve the axe based solely on who they trained with the first month.

colds1 said...

Black team ... not underdogs and I wish Jillian would knock it off. I'm sure it is editing, but it seems like she is the one constantly pounding it in their heads.

Kevin made the same comment about the new trainers not being as good of "therapists." I disagree. I think they just do it differently and their way probably isn't as good for editing. I'm okay with that ... those parts often get skipped over with the fast forward button (I know, I'm bad).

Food part of that challenge ... I think that unless you knew what the upcoming questions were going to be, it was near impossible to get them all right. Like with the black team hoping the last one was cholesterol, you are guessing what was coming up so you couldn't really make an informed decision.

I don't think the gym is necessary. Bob and Jillian making the comment about having a gym membership bugged me. There's plenty of other ways to get fit. I've never stepped foot in a gym and while I'm not at my ideal weight, I don't think I have to in order to get there. It might be easier, but it isn't necessary - as the scale showed.

Rulon and Justin were due a low week, they've had huge numbers every week. I think they'll be back up next week.