Monday, May 2, 2011

Meal Plan Monday - Pantry/Freezer Challenge

I'm coveting this Shelf Reliance shelf.  
I love having a food storage.  We've been blessed to be able to continuously build ours over the years and it looks pretty good.  However, I'm not really sure if I've stored the right things.  Have I stored food that we will want to eat?  Are comfortable eating?  Know how to prepare?   So this month I'm doing a challenge.

This month I am feeding my family from our food storage.  I will still have one night of take-out a week (that's my reward day and I'm not giving it up), but the other days we have to eat what we have in the house.  It should be interesting.  I am allowing myself to buy produce and dairy throughout the month - no reason to be extremist or anything!

I'm hoping to learn from this challenge, rotate some of my storage, and save a few pesos in the process.  So far I haven't had to come up with any unusual or different dinner items.  Maybe I have been storing the right stuff!

Here is this week's list:

MONDAY:  Spaghetti, green beans, bread

TUESDAY:  Chicken stir-fry and rice

WEDNESDAY:  Fish and chips (maybe I'll actually make this this week)

THURSDAY:  Baked oatmeal with apples

FRIDAY:  Fast food Friday

SATURDAY:  Pizza with wheat crust

SUNDAY:  Undetermined - I'm hosting a family birthday/Mother's Day dinner and I haven't decided on the main course yet.  I may need to buy something for this meal.

What's your plan?

1 comment:

Shelly said...

You amaze me.

I have no idea what we're eating this week. Now that I'm mostly over a grueling stomach flu, I might be able to start thinking about it.

I wish I had a food storage to eat out of. New goal: get a food storage!