Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Next Race

I need motivation.

If I want my house to really get clean, having a dinner party will give me the motivation to do it.

If I want to really learn about something, having to teach a class will motivate me to learn better.

If I want to run for exercise, I need a race to make me get out of bed.

I realized this last summer when I first started running again.  I had tried running the previous summer and wimped out.  I was doing it to "get fit and lose weight."  Yeah, that wasn't motivation enough.  But last summer, I had a race in mind.  I was going to run in our city's heritage day 5k.

After finishing that race, I didn't have another one planned.  I ran once after that first 5k and then my heart wasn't into it.  There was no motivation, nothing to challenge me, nothing to dare me to do better and keep going.  I did end up running another 5k for charity a few months later, but it was cold by then and I wasn't motivated enough to run outside in the cold!

Now it is warm-ish and light enough in the mornings for me to get back out to run.  And I have at least two races in mind.  They are what keep me going.  They are what drag me out of bed and make me sweat even when I really, really, really hate sweating.  They are my motivation right now.

The first one is in less than two weeks.  It is The Dirty Dash in Midway, Utah.  To sum up this race, it is a 5k along Olympic cross-country skiing trails that have been transformed into mud with the occasional obstacle in the path to add to the fun.

I don't expect a personal best in this race.  I signed up for this race because it sounded different and fun.  My husband is doing it with me, the good sport.  I haven't played in the mud since I was in high school but I'm totally looking forward to it.

The other race I am set to do is, again, the one for our city's heritage days.  I am looking for a personal best there.  Last time I was slower than cold tar ... this time I want to have a much more respectable time.

Anybody want to recommend a 5k for a good cause?  Oh, but there has to be a t-shirt involved ... I'm all about the shirt.

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