Monday, May 9, 2011

Meal Plan Monday

I'm enjoying this Pantry/Freezer Challenge.  It hasn't felt hard at all ... probably why I'm enjoying it!  That gives me courage that I am storing the right foods.

My menu might be a bit different this week.  I need to not have leftovers.  My husband won't need any for lunches and I don't want to waste the food.  So,it will be a lot of kid friendly meals, perhaps not the most healthy.  Oh, well.  Here are my tentative plans:

MONDAY:  Chicken and pasta with veggies

TUESDAY:  Baked oatmeal

WEDNESDAY:  Hot dogs and french fries with green salad, green beans, and jello (not green)

THURSDAY:  Pumpkin pancakes (maybe this week I will actually make these!)

FRIDAY:  Food From Elsewhere Friday

SATURDAY:  Pizza for the kids, Adult BBQ for grown-ups

SUNDAY:  Cranberry Roast and potatoes

What's gonna be on your table?

1 comment:

Jeri Dawn said...

I am in a dinner rut. I asked Jason what to fix for dinner tonight and he asked me what I felt like, volunteering to make it. This is the problem. Food seems so boring to me right now. I don't want to cook it and nothing sounds good (except ice cream and sugar). Hmmmm....what to do.