Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Can You Handle the Heat?

Holy sweat fest, Batman!

It's beginning to cool down a bit around here. Today's high is only supposed to be 104*. This puts the temperature somewhere in the low 90s when I run in the morning.

Today sweat poured into my eyes. Ugh. It was gross, although my main concern was how much it burned!! Note to self: Sweat in eyes = "Ahhhh!!! It burns!"

But it was my 5 lb t-shirt afterward that shocked me (and made me throw up a little bit in my mouth).

Am I seriously writing a post on the internet about how much I sweat while I run?

I guess so. But all this sweat is making me a lot more mindful of drinking more water through the day. So that's good. And I'm actually enjoying getting out and just running. It's a bit liberating. I'm still at that walk/jog phase, but I'm doing it.

The only other time I ever really ran was in gym class in high school. We had to run a mile and a half as part of our grade. I remember groaning about it because it was hard to do. But once I got started, I liked it. I found my pace and finished at a decent time. Of course, our whole class got yelled at by the gym teacher for not finishing the 1 1/2 miles in 10 minutes like her star basketball player. Still bitter about that one.


Merinda Reeder said...

Yeah, she yelled at her star basketball players, too. Just not in regular gym class.
I'm still dealing with some of her theories of motivation... she made some real helpful comments to me.
BTW, lets make it clear here, I was not one of her basketball players. I was a basketball Sherpa.

Carina said...

Way to go Shelly!

I guess it is time to get one of those cute sweat headbands. I don't think they wear them for the looks.

I love after a hike when I take a shower and it washes the sweat into my eyes or mouth. Watch out for that one!

Unknown said...

Jon found a headband that he wears all the time now to keep the sweat out of his eyes...I think we bought it in Phoenix. It doesn't look too 80's-ish and it's pretty helpful. I'll see if I can find out who makes it. Glad to see you're able to get out there! We'll be seeing you at the end of January for London's Run!!! We'll be there the weekend before so we can have some fun before the race---so, consider this our reservation! ;)

colds1 said...

I have unresolved Ms. Jones issues myself. And they revolve around running.

Can I have a picture of you in a sweat-headband? Pretty please!

Jeri Dawn said...

I was in Cindy's gym class. Try running the 1 1/2 with severe cramps. When I stopped, doubled over in pain, to ask if I could just do it next week, her reply was, "You're wasting time!" I vote we hunt that woman down and make her run laps for a couple of weeks.

Jeri Dawn said...

Oh, and I went approx. 5 miles in my vibrams last night! It was a bit far and I ended up losing some skin---but it was an excellent run. I'll have to wear real shoes on Saturday. Wooo hooo.

Crisanne said...

I think we all have Ms. Jones issues! Luckily I was able to run laps with Loni. She kept me going when I really didn't want too!