Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Keep On Keepin' On

An old phrase that I sing in my head is "keep on keepin' on." 

Some days that is all I can do.  Just keep on going.

Sometimes life is sticky and stinks and hard and we are left with two choices:

Lay down like a rock or keep on keepin' on.

My weight loss journey has taught me a lot about myself and my life.  It has taught me about moderation and avoiding extremes.  It has taught me that hard work does pay off, just maybe not immediately.  It has taught me that no matter how much we want or think we deserve something, if it isn't in the cards for us ... it won't happen.

This morning's weigh-in was a turning point.  I only lost half a pound this week, but that half a pound put me closer to my goal weight than my starting weight.  I'm more than half-way to where I want to be.  It has taken me six and a half months to get here and I would love for the next half to come off faster, but I'm getting closer.  I just need to keep on keepin' on.

I do need to decide on my next race though.  It is hard for me to get out and run and train unless I have something to run and train for.  My last race was fabulous.  My time wasn't the best (although not bad considering the circumstances) but I had fun.  It was the most fun race I've done.

And since I shared my not-as-good-as-I-would-have-liked prom pictures with you, I'll share my favorite race picture.  Taken just after the finish line, it doesn't do justice to how muddy I really was.  Next mud race, I go in all white!


Shelly said...

I think I need to run with you next year. It would be SO FUN!

I hate the slowness of losing weight, but I agree. Keep on keepin' on. It'll happen. We'll get there.

Jeri Dawn said...

I LOVE the picture. You both look so vibrant and just plain happy...rejoicing in the fun of life. You are awesome Cindy. Keep on...