Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Gauntlet

I've been on hiatus.  Big time.

While the world has continued to turn without my input, including our Menu Mondays (thanks to Cindy!), I have been lying low.  And mostly on my couch.

But the gauntlet has been thrown. 

Well, actually, I bumped the coffee table on the way to the couch and it kind of tipped over, made a horrible clanging noise, and fell on the floor.

I went to take up my gauntlet and felt the strain in my back, heard the "Ugh" escape from my lungs, and wondered when exactly my gut made its ugly reappearance.

But I take that as a sign.  I need to face the realities around me.  I've been too complacent for too long.

I did a little light research on the matter.  I found that no two sources agree as to how much exercise you should get a week.  But the average amount seems to be about 90 minutes to 2 hours a week, which breaks down to 30 minutes 3 or 4 days a week.

Okay.  That sounds doable.  Before summer hit I was at the gym for an hour 5 days a week.  I can cut back and start off a lot slower. 

And, as usual, I issue a challenge.  Do you take up the gauntlet with me?  What will be your strategies?

I think I'll start with bench pressing my gauntlet.  Medieval armor is not light.


Jeri Dawn said...

Ahhh...I was wondering what happened to you. You know, a couple of girls in my ward are putting together a little wager. We each submit $20 and a list of goals (including eating healthy and exercising) and the person who lasts the longest in their goals wins the pot. Maybe you need a wager too?

Crisanne said...

Here we go...

I hate running.
I hate running.
I'll say it again, I hate running.
Now a walk is something I like. I'll even power walk, but a run is not fun for me.
My goal. Start the Couch to 5K program.
In February I turn 34. My birthday present for myself this year is the ability to run a 5K. I don't actually want to do this. But I need to learn to set up a plan, work hard, and stick to it. Also, this will help me accomplish a Value Project as a YW leader, and get me that much closer to my medallion.

colds1 said...

(Um, I TOTALLY hear you, Crisanne! But the satisfaction of finishing that 5k - even at a snail's pace - is totally worth it. Maybe.)

I've been on some medications that have done wacky things to my weight loss attempts. As in halted them. I gained 4 pounds in one week because of them. Let's just say, I'm not happy.

So to keep myself motivated, I have set out little goals with specific rewards. Currently, if I exercise for 25 minutes (how long my current favorite work-out lasts) 5 days a week for just 2 weeks, I get to buy this pair of moccasins that I've been coveting. The shortness of the goals and the specificness of the the reward is helping me. It is what drags me out of bed at 6 am ... I really want those mocs!