Monday, October 24, 2011

Menu Monday

Little boys in overalls.  So. Dang. Cute.

Sorry.  I got sidetracked by my (almost) 18 month old.  When I last had an 18 month old, I also had a 3 month old.  This time I am able to enjoy the fun-ness of this toddler stage.

Part of that fun is trying to get anything done in the kitchen!  He has not only scrambled my neatly stacked measuring cups, but he's scattered them as well!  I have 3 or 4 sets of measuring cups (for this very reason) and not a clue where the 1 cup one is for any set!

It also means that trying to get dinner on can be a challenge.  He is always hungry and usually wants to be held at the same time I'm trying to get dinner on.  Or, at the very least, he likes to hold onto my leg and tell me stories.  If only I understood any of them.

These are only a couple of reasons that I love prepare-ahead meals.  Whether I do a big cooking day and stick the meals in the freezer or can just throw it all in the crock pot in the morning when he's busy with his brothers ... dinner is easier to get on the table when I don't have to all the work at 5 o'clock.  Not every meal can be done this way, but those that can are heaven!  I have a few in this week's menu ...

pic credits:
MONDAY:  Crock pot taco chicken bowls

TUESDAY:  Baked ziti

WEDNESDAY:  chicken nuggets and homemade fries

THURSDAY:  Halloween shaped pumpkin pancakes

FRIDAY:  Potato Soup and bread bowls


SUNDAY:  Steak and potatoes

Linked up, just because ... OrgJunkie

1 comment:

Jeri Dawn said...

I might just venture to make some of my own chicken nuggets one of these days...I found a recipe (gluten free, of course)...

Right now I am thinking...

Monday: Spaghetti and beans
Tuesday: Apple Pork Chops
Wednesday: Chicken Noodle Soup
Thursday: Simple Sandwiches
Friday: Taco Soup and Cornbread (gluten free)
Saturday: Leftovers
Sunday: Who knows? Any suggestions?