Monday, November 7, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

Hi, all!  I had a fabulous week last week with an old friend (Hi, Shelly!) and listening to very motivational speakers.  The madness of a Monday morning wasn't even present today because I'm still on such a high. 

I didn't post my menu plan last week, not because I didn't have one, but because I didn't want to admit to all the processed food I was planning for my husband's ease.  They all happily survived and so did my kitchen, so all is well.

This week though, it is back to as many whole foods as I can manage.  I need to bake some bread for sandwiches and make some muffins for after school snacks.  The house is going to smell good! 

Here's the other stuff I'm planning to feed my crew:

MONDAY:  Homemade Mac and Cheese (I'm trying this recipe this time - but, Jeri Dawn, I would LOVE to have yours)

TUESDAY:  Baked Potato Bar (probably with PBJs for the picky young 'uns)

WEDNESDAY:  Grilled Chicken Breasts with Spaghetti Squash

THURSDAY:  Crock Pot Oatmeal

FRIDAY:  Fast Food Friday (probably Chinese)

SATURDAY:  Pizza (already have dough in the freezer)

SUNDAY:  Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Linked for fun:  OrgJunkie

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