Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Have you got your race on?

I am signed up for two 5k races in a week.  Eight days actually.  I'll be running (ha!  I use that term loosely!) in a Turkey Trot to support Chloe's Sunshine Playground and I'll also be doing the Santa Run which supports community holiday events.

Yeah.  I haven't run since my last 5k the end of September.  I'm not expecting my best time or even close to it.  I'm expecting to finish and that's about it.  Since this Saturday the high is supposed to 31* and it is supposed to snow ... finishing sounds good enough to me!

I had a sister-in-law blog about finishing her first ever race, a half-marathon, this weekend.  I felt a twinge of jealousy.  Why am I not doing a half-marathon like her?  Why is her time so much better than I could ever do?  Why doesn't her hair looked messed up at all in those pictures?  Doesn't she sweat?

Then I came back to my reality ... I don't really like running!  Ha!  Why would I want to run for 2 hours straight?  I'm ready to be done 20 minutes in to my 5k races because I'm bored, especially if I don't have something interesting on my iPod.   I do sweat.  I do look ruffled and like I just ran a race when I finish.  But I do the races.

I do the races to force myself to stay physical.  It gives me a goal.  I need that goal.

Someday I'll make a goal to run a 5k in a truly respectable time, but for now, just finishing is good enough for me.

Should I try running in my snow boots on Saturday?


1 comment:

Merinda Reeder said...

Enjoy your races. I hope your iPod features something fabulous.