Monday, April 30, 2012

Meal Plan Monday

It is almost May.  Holy Moly!  That means it is almost summer vacation!  I am very much looking forward to the not-so-lazy days of summer this year!  (if you haven't heard, I'm doing a day camp called Camp FitPlay for ages 3-9 ... check it out)

But, first we have to make it through evening swimming lessons and all the other May activities we have planned ... I love having my plan to fall back on (and my food storage ... although I am completely out of white sugar!  I know it isn't good for me, but I can't believe I'm completely out - for the first time in nearly 14 years of marriage!)  I digress ... my freezer is getting me through this week.  Here's my plan:

MONDAY:  Spinach Lasagna Rolls

TUESDAY:  Sweet and Sour Chicken and rice

WEDNESDAY:  Chicken Pot Pie Bundles (I have the filling in my freezer and I'm want to get egg roll wraps - if I can find them - to make bundles like these)

THURSDAY:  Pancakes and sausage and hashbrowns

FRIDAY:  Pizza

SATURDAY:  Taco Haystacks (Happy Cinco de Mayo)

SUNDAY:  Crockpot ham and potatoes

And, just for the record, we have some sort of fruit and vegetable with most every meal (well, not usually vegetables with pancakes).  Sometimes they are cooked, sometimes it is just carrots and celery with ranch dip.  I should get better about planning those healthy side dishes ... I'll add it to the "should" list.

1 comment:

Crisanne said...

This week should be just borderline hectic, so here goes:

Monday: BBQ chicken
Tuesday: Ham fried rice
Wednesday: Beef stroganoff
Thursday: Leftovers from Mon
Friday: PB&J right after school, then on to a baseball game, then the men-folk can eat a real dinner at the father's and son's. I'll find something completely unhealthy and satisfying as I watch a chick-flick and revel in the bliss that is an empty house.
Saturday: Since Dennis is in charge of the father's and son's meal, I'm hoping he will bring home a few leftovers.
Sunday: roast or steaks