Saturday, April 21, 2012

Meal Plan for another week

(hmmm ... blogger has changed things up.  change can be good or a real pain in the patootie!)

I'm planning my groceries and I'm on the computer, so you get an early menu again this week.  But, it is a boring one!  You see, the past week, we strayed quite a bit from my plan (a luxury a good food storage provides) and so I'm throwing a bit of last week back in with this week.  Here you go:

MONDAY:  Crockpot Peach BBQ Sauce Chicken (I made the peach bbq sauce last canning season) and rice

TUESDAY:  Baked Ziti and homemade bread

WEDNESDAY:  Leftovers (this actually requires planning because I have to make enough of the previous nights' meals to HAVE leftovers)

THURSDAY:  Waffles and ice cream

FRIDAY:  Quinoa Mac & Cheese


SUNDAY: Sloppy Joes

There you go.  Happy eating! :)


Crisanne said...

Cindy, my week strayed quite a bit from my plan as well. The only things I stuck to were the spaghetti and pizza. Baseball season is in full swing, the weather is warm and I'm wanting to fire up the grill a LOT! So let's see what I want to eat this week.

Monday: Tin foil dinners
Tuesday: I have had wonderful babysitters this past weekend and owe them french bread, so let's have French Toast for dinner.
Wednesday: Chicken something- probably grilled!
Thursday: Meatloaf??
Friday: leftovers of whatever is left
Saturday: Ham fried rice
Sunday: Lasagna

Jeri Dawn said...

Peach BBQ sauce? I want that recipe!

We are having Mexican Lasagna, mashed potatoes and turkey steaks, cauliflower soup, breakfast, hm pizza, rice casserole ( not necessarily in that order).