Friday, January 20, 2012

Ragnar Anyone?

I'm not sure I'm completely committed to this crazy idea; but I think I want to run a Ragnar.

From the Ragnar website:
Ragnar is the overnight running relay race that makes testing your limits a team sport. A team is made up of 6-12 individuals; each individual runs 3 legs. The legs of the race vary in difficulty and distance, from 3-8 miles, allowing elite and novice runners to run together. Over 2 days and 1 night, teams run across 200 miles of the country’s most scenic terrain. Pair that with crazy costumes, inside jokes, a great finish line party and unforgettable stories. Some call it a slumber party without sleep, pillows or deodorant. We call it Ragnar.
I have friends that have run these in Utah and from Cumberland, MD to Washington D.C. My goal would not be to win... but to finish. The June 15-16 race that runs from Logan to Park City is currently full - not accepting new teams. I could work with an existing team, though? Alternately there's Colorado in July or Vegas in November.

Anybody think this is CRAZY? Anybody willing to join me in some insanity?


Shelly said...

AWESOME! If the one here in AZ wasn't next month I'd sign us up for it. But as it is, I'm not quite ready for February. Maybe next February.

Merinda Reeder said...

Hmmm. That gives me a full year to get serious. I think I'm going to try for a sooner race. I just might be ready to join you in AZ next February for some insanity.

colds1 said...

Yeah, I have friends who do the Wasatch Back. You know what I call them? "Those crazy friends who ..."

I'll stick to my measly 5ks, but think you are awesome for doing more!

Merinda Reeder said...

It you hear that "those crazy friends who..." need another runner and if they aren't too hung up on winning...

Jeri Dawn said...

What ya do Mind is come on up to Logan the a day or two before the big race. There are always about 50 teams looking for an extra runner because someone couldn't make it...