Monday, September 12, 2011

The Pinocchio Workout

Today I decided to try something new.

It's been difficult to get into my routine.  The kids are halfway through their first quarter of the school year and I just can't seem to get it together.

So today I just started all over again, with a fresh new start.....

A new class at the gym at a new time.

I decided to check out the AquaFit class.  It's a cardio and weight resistance class in the pool.  It sounded fun and would be a great chance to recharge my routine. 

So I walked into the pool area and found 18 other people in the water just beginning their warm ups.

I was younger than all of them by at least 40 years.

I inwardly groaned because, come on, I've been squatting pretty impressive weights in the Pump class.  I've been jumping and running in the sports' inspired class.  I've been kicking and punching imaginary enemies and slicing pirates in my Combat class.  What the heck would a class catering to old people have to offer?

But my entire body will tell you, it is a deceptively hard-core class.  What I've deemed "The Pinocchio Workout."  It's deceiving.

I'm actually looking forward to this class.  It should give me something new and challenging to do.

I think this might be fun after all.


1 comment:

MaggieJo said...

I love water aerobics and I found it is what you make it. And what amazing friends you can make in the process! Fun!!!