Monday, September 26, 2011

Meal Plan Monday

It is the last week of September!  Where did the month go?  But that means ... I can decorate for Halloween!!!  I love Halloween.  I know there are people who don't like it, but we make it a whole month long event around here!

My whole food eating has great days ... and then there are other days.   I am finding myself, um, grossed out at the thought of some process foods though.  I'm starting to be able to taste the difference and when given the choice, I'll pick the whole foods option.  (Unless it is peanut m&ms.  I have not found anything that curbs that craving.  Sigh.)

Here's what I'm hoping for in this weeks menu:

MONDAY:  White Chili and homemade bread

TUESDAY:   Spinach Lasagna Rolls (and I finally braved making my own tomato sauce - just haven't braved tasting it yet!)

WEDNESDAY:  Steak and baked potatoes (birthday dinner for hubs)

THURSDAY:  Mac & Cheese for kids (eating out for hubs birthday for grown-ups)

FRIDAY:  Breakfast Tacos


Linking just because OrgJunkie

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