Sunday, August 28, 2011

Workout Buddy

I know I know... this blog is a great source of strength, inspiration, and support. But a warm human sweating nearby can, at times, provide a little extra something.

I love having a workout buddy. This has been going on a little more than a month. We push each other to do better. We are accountable to show up at the gym. We keep each other honest. We compete - just a little bit. We build each other up. We jabber about whatever to help the minutes and miles pass.

For instance... I have been keeping that eliptical machine above 6.0 on my speed. She pushes me to level up and to stay on the machine for 60 minutes. She also goes backwards, which is harder, and which I have to do, too. I can't be wimpy. So now she has to keep it above a 6.0, too. I never said she had to; but she seems to think that she has to keep up with me.

See? We help each other out. I mean, she's got me on a treadmill, of all things.

I'm doing worlds better since we started working out together.


colds1 said...

I think that is great! I'm glad you've got something (and someone) that's working so well for you.

Now me ... I hate a work-out buddy! For all of my plans and routines, I like my exercise to be flexible and on my time table! I had a friend just offer to join me on my walks in the mornings and I hemmed and hawed my way out of it. Exercise is MY time. I like to plug in a podcast and spend some time on my own. Besides, I hate sweating ... I don't need to share that with anyone! :)

Shelly said...

I love it! Sometimes I wish I had a workout buddy. But there are other times I feel like Cindy and don't really want to share my sweat.

I have, however, run into Josh's uncle's ex-wife at the gym.... did you catch all that? Actually, she and I were friends before Josh came home from his mission (when she and his uncle were still married). It's kind of weird the people you'll run into at the gym. We worked out next to each other during our classes. We motivated each other, gave words of encouragement, even though we hadn't seen each other in quite a while.

But on the other hand, I'm never heart broken when this vague former relative doesn't see me and my baby giraffe coordination.

You can count me as luke-warm on this one. :)